Friends, Mark your calendars this week for the next CAP SC meeting, Friday, 10/20 at 1EDT. There is an update to my email to send to CAP implementers adding some text and integrating what Rex suggested. We will finalize this and discuss when to post, for how long to run it and to whom it should be addressed during our meeting. Thanks, Elysa Dear CAP Implementers: It was great seeing most of you at the CAP Implementers Workshop in Rome last month. As you may know the OASIS Emergency Management Technical Committee (EMTC) approved a method to solicit and gather information relative to CAP implementations. The method chosen is to use the emergency-dev mailing list: an unmoderated, public mail list that provides an open forum for developers to exchange ideas and information on implementing the emergency OASIS Standards.* My presentation identified some of the challenges for the CAP Subcommittee when trying to complete the task of developing an international "event terms list". This has been a request from past CAP Workshops. There are three specific questions presented where we would like to have your input. We will post these questions with the comment method agreed to by the EMTC and look forward to your input. Please participate in these discussions as they are provided. Warm regards, Elysa Jones, Chair OASIS Emergency Management Technical Committee Emergency Interoperability Member Section *To minimize spam, you must subscribe to this list before posting--You can subscribe to this list at Specifically there are three questions posted by the CAP SC regarding the event list. There are other CAP issues that the SC would like to open for discussion.