OASIS Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) TC

Re: [office] Proposal for table templates

  • 1.  Re: [office] Proposal for table templates

    Posted 02-23-2006 13:22
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

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    Subject: Re: [office] Proposal for table templates

    I have a strong preference for solution A, because it is compatible with what 
    we have today, and it does not require any table-template specific extensions 
    to the style concept. For solution B, we actually would have to add a 
    paragraph-style attribute to styles that we use for table templates only. For 
    solution C (the last one in your mail) we would add a full style family, and 
    again the style-name attributes that are only valid within table template 
    styles. And we would get incompatible.
    In general, I think table templates should be as similar to real tables as 
    possible. Even from this perspective, solution A seems to be best. BTW: It 
    seems to be a spelling error in the schema that the attribute is called 
    "text:style-name" rather than "table:style-name". It is called 
    "table:style-name" in the descriptive text already.
    I agree that "table:cell-style-name" would have been a better name for the 
    attribute, but because OpenDocument is already a standard, I think we should 
    stay compatible, and should not change the name unless there are very strong 
    arguments for a change. For exactly the same reason I don't think we should 
    choose solution C.
    David Faure wrote On 02/13/06 19:00,:
    > We discussed today the need to include paragraph styles in table templates,
    > so that it's clear which paragraph styles will be used in every cell when
    > creating a table using a table template.
    > Currently it looks like
    >   <table:table-template>
    >      <table:first-row text:style-name="blueish"/>
    >      <table:first-column text:style-name="lightgray"/>
    >      <table:body      text:style-name="default"/>
    >   </table:table-template>
    > where the styles referenced by name are expected to be table-cell styles.
    > Solution A
    >   Referencing both the cell style and the paragraph style from the table
    > template.
    >   <table:table-template>
    >      <table:first-row text:style-name="blueish" text:paragraph-style-name="Heading_1"/>
    >      <table:first-column text:style-name="lightgray" text:paragraph-style-name="Normal"/>
    >      <table:body      text:style-name="default" text:paragraph-style-name="Body text"/>
    >   </table:table-template>
    >   This reads a bit strange since "style-name" should rather be "cell-style-name",
    >   and it doesn't integrate the paragraph style into the cell style like the next solution does:
    > Solution B
    >   Referencing the paragraph style from the cell style
    >   If the user himself can define named styles for table-cells, then it is
    >   expected that those styles include the name of a paragraph style.
    >   (See "Table / Table Style Manager" in KWord)
    >   So the cell style "blueish" from the table template would refer to a cell
    >   style defined as 
    >     <style:style style:name="blueish" style:display-name="Blueish cell" style:family="table-cell">
    >       <style:table-cell-properties [....] text:paragraph-style-name="Heading_1"/>
    >     </style:style>
    > To go even further, the current cell styles in KOffice look like:
    >     <style:style style:name="blueish" style:display-name="Blueish cell" style:family="table-cell">
    >       <style:table-cell-properties koffice:frame-style-name="fr6" koffice:paragraph-style-name="U3"/>
    >     </style:style>
    > where the frame style "fr6" is a style with family="graphic", which defines
    > background color and border, instead of defining those properties into the
    > table-cell-properties directly. For automatic styles this makes no
    > difference, it's just as easy to generate an automatic style that refers
    > to another one. But for named styles created by the user, this allows to
    > have cell styles which refer to an existing frame style as well as an
    > existing paragraph style. The format shouldn't mandate how users should
    > work with named styles in an application though, so one could say that the format
    > should allow both ways of defining table-cell styles: either by defining
    > all the properties into the table cell style (which can certainly be useful for
    > actual table cells), or defining the properties in graphic and paragraph
    > styles refered by the table cell style, by name. But in fact, an application
    > which simply stores the border and background properties into the table-cell
    > style, could do that with the first model, by simply generating an automatic 
    > frame-style and reference it from the table-cell style... so we don't really
    > need both ways, except to preserve compatibility with OpenDocument-1.0,
    > which seems useless for table templates since they haven't been used yet
    > in either OOo or KWord.
    > So actually... forget solutions A and B: 
    > my proposal is to make table templates point to a new kind of style, let's say
    > table-cell-template, which would point to a graphic style and a paragraph style by name.
    >   <table:table-template>
    >      <table:first-row text:style-name="blueish"/>
    >      <table:first-column text:style-name="lightgray"/>
    >      <table:body      text:style-name="default"/>
    >   </table:table-template>
    > just like currently, but
    >     <style:style style:name="blueish" style:display-name="Blueish cell" style:family="table-cell-template">  <!-- note the family -->
    >       <style:table-cell-properties text:graphic-style-name="blue_with_border" text:paragraph-style-name="Heading_1"/>
    >     </style:style>
    > where blue_with_border could either be a real (named) graphic style, or an automatic one. 
    > That style would be used to define background and borders in particular.
    Michael Brauer                                Phone:  +49 40 23646 500
    Technical Architect Software Engineering      Fax:    +49 40 23646 550
    StarOffice Development
    Sun Microsystems GmbH
    Sachsenfeld 4
    D-20097 Hamburg, Germany                e-mail: michael.brauer@sun.com

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