XLIFF TC Teleconference - Nov-1-2011 - Summary (updated with the full text of the procedure) === 1/ Roll call Present: Arle, Shirley, Yves, Helena, Fredrik, Tom, Bryan, Steven, David-W, David-F, Rodolfo, Lucía, Regrets: Christian === 2/ Approve Tuesday, 04 October 2011 meeting minutes:
http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/xliff/201110/msg00009.html Bryan moves to approve. Tom, Rodolfo second. No objections. === 3/ Sub Committee Reports --- 1. Inline text (Yves) Worked on annotations/metadata. Summary:
http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/xliff-inline/201110/msg00013.html Rodolfo: DocBook template available on SVN And modules will be available soon. Yves: nice, big step forward to get the draft started Bryan: need to make sure DocBook are correctly validated before committing to SVN. Any recommendation welcome. Rodolfo: DocBook to HTML and PDF available. Fredrik: had good result with
http://dblatex.sourceforge.net/ Rodolfo: note the style-sheets (we're not using the default) Fredrik: will try things out. --- 2. XLIFF Promotion and Liaison SC Charter (David) - Vote on David's proposal for features for 2.0 (
http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/xliff/201111/msg00002.html ) David-F: Lucía is close to releasing the questions of state-of-the-art tools. Also, may need to answer this blog:
http://www.translationtribulations.com/2011/10/notes-from-xliff-symposium-in-warsaw.html Bryan: I will do my part no later than end of week. - ballot about the process for approving features. Several steps: 1) choose between A: no restrictions, B: only owner can suggest reconsideration Then if B is selected: B1: need absolute majority B2: 3 month limit B3: no special conditions If no majority, then run-off between the two top selected options Then Yes/No vote for the whole procedure See David-F email for details (
http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/xliff/201111/msg00002.html ) Ballot: A or B Option A passes. Ballot: Yes or No for the whole feature approval procedure. [start of procedure text] Feature approval procedure Features not listed here:
http://wiki.oasis-open.org/xliff/XLIFF2.0/FeatureTracking will not be considered at all for inclusion in any XLIFF 2.x spec. The feature tracking wiki comprises three sections. 1. Approved, 2. Under Consideration, 3. Discarded. Section 2. Features under consideration is the default section:
http://wiki.oasis-open.org/xliff/XLIFF2.0/FeatureTracking#Featuresunderconsideration.28notyetevaluatedbyTC.29 Any TC member can record a feature in Section 2., preferably following an e-mail or meeting discussion. Features can be moved into section 1. or 3. only following a formal TC ballot. Features can be proposed for ballot in a regular TC meeting by the listed Owner (Champion) or the TC Chair. Owners must demonstrate to the TC not only the technical appropriateness of the feature but also explain what resources and timeframe is needed for elaboration and if those resources are available. TC Chair can suggest moving a feature from Section 1. to section 2. Or even 3. if it does not show reasonable progress close to XLIFF 2.x spec release deadline. Any TC member can suggest reconsideration of an item in section 3, and no additional conditions apply. Approval of core features Only features in the Section 1. Approved Features can be proposed for XLIFF 2.x Core. This is recorded as “Core/Module: [Not determined/Core/Module]” Otherwise the procedure is the same as feature approval. A feature moving away from Section 1. gets its core status set to “Module” “Not determined” is being used as initial value only, all subsequent changes are between “Core” and “Module” only. [end of procedure] Yes passes. Rodolfo: Voted no because of "Owners must demonstrate to the TC not only the technical appropriateness of the feature but also explain what resources and timeframe is needed for elaboration and if those resources are available.": need to define those things (appropriateness, etc.) Bryan: example of reasons why a feature fail: lack of resource to define it. Rodolfo: don't think it'll be easy to do. But ok to move on. === 4/ XLIFF 2.0 (
http://wiki.oasis-open.org/xliff/XLIFF2.0/FeatureTracking ) Bryan: perhaps we need to add permanent tracking ids to titles, and not need to worry about preserving numbering scheme? Fixed IDs could be more helpful. Maybe we can appoint this task to wiki gardener (Bryan)? Fredrik: valid concern if it's auto-numbered. --- 1. XLIFF 2.0 Technical work a. Code and content comparison (good discussion at 18Oct2011, non-binding meeting - tracked in Inline SC) b. Representing starting/ending/stand-alone parts (good discussion at 18Oct2011, non-binding meeting - tracked in Inline SC) c. Segmentation feature (good discussion at 18Oct2011, non-binding meeting - tracked wiki) Bryan: about
http://wiki.oasis-open.org/xliff/XLIFF2.0/FeatureTracking#TechnicalIssuesforXLIFF2.0 Should they be there? David-F: those are "procedural issues" Ok with our procedure because the procedure talks only about "features" Bryan: what is item goes to 2 to 4? David-F: fine, those were "mislabeled" except if someone disagrees. Bryan: owner can move item from 2 to 4. --- 2. XLIFF 2.0 Technical issues a. Added this category to FeatureTracking wiki page (
http://wiki.oasis-open.org/xliff/XLIFF2.0/FeatureTracking ) - Does this work? Discussion on moving "Segmentation" to section 1 of feature. Yves: moving to #1 doesn't mean the description is final General agreement on that David-F: should we decide if it's core or not? Yves/Rodolfo: seem its' core because the elements are the containers David-W: segmentation not necessarily core: it's done afterward. Ballot to move Segmentation to #1 (not deciding if core or not) Passes. Action item: Yves to move item in the wiki === 5/ Current XLIFF business No time to discuss most of those items. but they are active item for current business === 6/ New Business None. -meeting adjourned --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail:
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