OASIS XML Localisation Interchange File Format (XLIFF) TC

Re: [xliff] Groups - XLIFF TC Monthly Teleconference (RESCHEDULEDfrom DEC2005) added

  • 1.  Re: [xliff] Groups - XLIFF TC Monthly Teleconference (RESCHEDULEDfrom DEC2005) added

    Posted 01-10-2006 07:43
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

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    Subject: Re: [xliff] Groups - XLIFF TC Monthly Teleconference (RESCHEDULEDfrom DEC2005) added

    Hi Tony,
    Please accept my apologies. I will not be able to attend on Tuesday.
    tony.jewtushenko@productinnovator.com wrote:
    > XLIFF TC Monthly Teleconference (RESCHEDULED from DEC2005) has been added by Mr. Tony Jewtushenko*
    > Date:  Tuesday, 10 January 2006
    > Time:  04:00pm - 05:00pm GMT
    > Event Description:
    > Standing monthly XLIFF TC Teleconference. 
    > 1. Call one of the MeetingPlace phone numbers: 
    > From the AMER region dial: * 1-888-967-2253 * +1-650-607-2253 
    > From the APAC region dial: * +61 2 8817 6100 
    > From the EMEA region dial: * +44 118 924 9000 
    > 2. Enter the Meeting ID (805534) followed by the # key 
    > 3. If the organizer has not started the meeting you will be: 
    > a. Asked to speak your name followed by the # key 
    > b. Placed in the waiting room on music hold until the organizer starts the meeting. 
    > If the organizer has started the meeting you will be: 
    > a. Asked to enter the Meeting Password (030543) 
    > b. Asked to speak your name followed by the # key
    > Agenda:
    > 1/roll call 
    > 2/Previous meeting minutes: 
    > http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/xliff/200511/msg00006.html
    > 3/ Work in Progress: 
    > A. XLIFF 1.2 Specification update issues:
    > A new draft of the XLIFF 1.2 spec has been distributed due to the fact that the recently approved 1.2 Committee Draft omits a proposal that had been approved by TC ballot some months ago (http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/xliff/ballot.php?id=750), which is described in this document -> http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/xliff/email/archives/200502/msg00010.html .
    > The latest draft of the 1.2 spec was distributed in this email -> http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/xliff/200601/msg00001.html
    > Review and discuss the spec & changes.  If all looks well, we'll arrange for an email ballot to commence immediately in order to conclude in time for next week's normal January teleconference.
    > B. Representation Guides: 
    > NOTE: NO PROGRESS SINCE MEETING IN NOVEMBER;  We'll need to revise the documentation guides to be 1.2 compliant before releasing them along with the specification. 
    > a. HTML - final profile document was approved, with minor change made by Tony and reposted (http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/xliff/email/archives/200507/msg00003.html). Document will be submitted to OASIS for public review once spec and all supporting XLIFF profiles documents are complete. 
    > This is to be modified for 1.2. Tony has volunteered to change this. 
    > We agreed to have a meeting in two weeks time to look at the issues around represntation guides. This will happen on November 29th at the usual time. 
    > b. NET & Windows Resources 
    > Initial draft of .NET Profile: 
    > Latest draft of Windows Res Data Resources (revised 21 Sep 2005): http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/xliff/200509/msg00011.html 
    > c. Java Resource Bundles 
    > Latest Draft of Java Resources Profile: http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/xliff/download.php/14554/xliff-profile-java-1.1-draft-1.zip 
    > Although the TC provisionally agreed at last meeting to have a ballot starting September 30th, a number of issues arose during the review which require discussion in a teleconference. The issues are documented in the following mails: 
    > a. Handling escaping and replaceables in XLIFF -> http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/xliff/200509/msg00013.html 
    > b. A number of issues in this email: http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/xliff/200509/msg00023.html 
    > 1/Differentiate between different Java platforms/versions 
    > 2/Address XML-based properties 
    > 3/Provide pointers to Java pages on internationalization 
    > 4/Sketch the Extract&Merge Paradigm 
    > 5/Handling of references (especially to non-textual resources) 
    > 6/Approach for comments 
    > c.survey of existing parsing tools ->http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/xliff/200509/msg00025.html 
    > These issues have not yet been addressed - need final word on escaping. 
    > d. PO Files: 
    > THIS ISSUE IS CLOSED - leaving in agenda for historical purposes.
    > No licensing issues exist with the work that was submitted to the XLIFF TC by Paul Gampe. 
    > The proposed final PO file document submitted for ballot: http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/xliff/download.php/14854/xliff-profile-po.zip 
    > The ballot achieved a simple majority, and therefore PASSED and results are here: http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/xliff/ballot.php?id=851 
    > This representation guide will now be distributed along with the other resource type guides. 
    > C. Open issues: 
    > a. Translation of Voice XML Issues 
    > ~ Open until resolution of namespace issue. 
    > - Action Item: Mat will submit a proposal on how to handle Voice XML issues. 
    > Initial: http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/xliff/200403/msg00016.html 
    > Latest Update: http://www.oasis-open.org/archives/xliff/200403/msg00017.html 
    > Await update from Mat on any concrete proposals... 
    > Mat was not online and we need to resolve the namespace issue. 
    > b. Extending XLIFF with separate namespaces. Addressing this issue is deferred until the new year (when Andzrej has volunteered to spend some time on research). 
    > 4/XLIFF TC Re-Charter: 
    > The charter for XLIFF TC was modified on 5 December 2005; the change was announced at http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/tc-announce/200512/msg00002.html
    > 5/XLIFF 1.2 Certification activities: 
    > There is some planning work under way to introduce a certification programme for tools providers who will be generating XLIFF. The programme will be external but the TC will have opportunity to influence and approve testing and certification process. Additional details will be presented by Reinhard as they develop. 
    > Overview of the ignite program which the LRC has proposed and had accepted as an EU project. See: 
    > http://www.localisation.ie/publications/presentations/2004/Conference/Presentations/ReinhardSchaler2(ignite).ppt 
    > They are working on the first phase of this program and looking at testing standards or emerging standards. Patrick Gannon has attended a recent Ignite project meeting. There is a plan to have a two day workshop in December. The first day will be an introduction to the technology and the second day will concentrate on the work of Ignite. 
    > This meeting is taking place on December 14th and 15th. Tony and Peter are attending. 
    > 6/ Reports from liaisons involved with other standards groups: 
    > A. W3C i18n 
    > B. Oscar 
    > C. Trans-WS 
    > D. LRC 
    > 7/Events: 
    > A. Tony and Peter participated in the "Language Standards Summit" - Berlin, Germany 12-13 December http://www.internationalization-conference.org/languagestandards/index.html 
    > B. Ignite conference 14-15 December, Dublin  Reinhard, Peter and Tony attended.
    > 8/All other business none 
    > 9/ Next meeting January 17, 4pm BST / 11am EST 
    > Minutes:
    > View event details:
    > http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/xliff/event.php?event_id=9426
    > PLEASE NOTE:  If the above link does not work for you, your email
    > application may be breaking the link into two pieces.  You may be able to
    > copy and paste the entire link address into the address field of your web
    > browser.
    > ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > VERSION:2.0
    > PRODID:-//Kavi Corporation//NONSGML Kavi Groups//EN
    > X-WR-CALNAME:My Calendar
    > DTSTAMP:20060109T000000Z
    > DTSTART:20060110T160000Z
    > DTEND:20060110T170000Z
    > SEQUENCE:0
    > SUMMARY:XLIFF TC Monthly Teleconference (RESCHEDULED from DEC2005)
    > DESCRIPTION:Standing monthly XLIFF TC Teleconference. \n1. Call one of the
    >   MeetingPlace phone numbers: \nFrom the AMER region dial: *
    >   1-888-967-2253 * +1-650-607-2253 \nFrom the APAC region dial: * +61 2
    >   8817 6100 \nFrom the EMEA region dial: * +44 118 924 9000 \n\n2. Enter
    >   the Meeting ID (805534) followed by the # key \n\n3. If the organizer
    >   has not started the meeting you will be: \n\na. Asked to speak your
    >   name followed by the # key \nb. Placed in the waiting room on music
    >   hold until the organizer starts the meeting. \n\nIf the organizer has
    >   started the meeting you will be: \n\na. Asked to enter the Meeting
    >   Password (030543) \nb. Asked to speak your name followed by the #
    >   key\n\nGroup: OASIS XML Localisation Interchange File Format (XLIFF)
    >   TC\nCreator: Mr. Tony Jewtushenko*
    > URL:http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/xliff/event.php?event_id=9426
    > UID:http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/xliff/event.php?event_id=9426
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    > To unsubscribe from this mail list, you must leave the OASIS TC that
    > generates this mail.  You may a link to this group and all your TCs in OASIS
    > at:
    > https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/portal/my_workgroups.php 
    email - azydron@xml-intl.com
    smail - c/o Mr. A.Zydron
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