Hi Rob,
Ok, I guess I will wait for the second document to see how it fits together.
Thanks & Regards
amqp@lists.oasis-open.org [mailto:
On Behalf Of Rob Godfrey
Sent: 15. brezna 2017 15:49
To: Scholz Jakub <
amqp@lists.oasis-open.org Subject: Re: [amqp] Groups - linkpair uploaded
On 15 March 2017 at 14:55, Scholz Jakub <
Jakub.Scholz@deutsche-boerse.com > wrote:
Hi Rob,
I read through it and I have some points which are not completely clear to me …
I was a bit surprised to see the introduction chapter talk about queues since the core spec doesn’t seem to use the term queue that much. Shouldn’t we stick with something
more neutral like “node”? At the end you don’t need necessarily a queue to implement what you described there. Or is there some special reason why you used queue?
So, the introduction was really meant to talk about messaging in general until the diagram, after the diagram it moves to talking about AMQP mechanisms (where I use the term node).
Today, when you use temporary queues (well, I used queue term as well
J ) to process the requests and responses, your service can use a plain AMQP client (e.g. Qpid JMS
client) to receive the requests and respond to them. It is not clear to me how would this work with the link pairs. How would for example a simple client implement this? How will it accept the link pairs which it receives?
Indeed - this mechanism is not designed to cater for writing the request/response "service" with a general client library - it requires a library that can deal with spontaneous incoming attaches. There is a second document coming which
you will be able to use in combination with this mechanism such that the service application could connect to a sort of "response relay" node in the broker with a link pair, and as the incoming requests come through the broker, they will be annotated... the
client would then have to reflect those annotations on the response message such that the broker would relay the response back down the correct "incoming" link pair.
In general, it is not really clear to me how would you implement even the requestor side for example in something like JMS. Do you and Robbie have already some idea? (not really
needed to put it into the document, but might be useful for the discussion)
There are definitely going to be issues in trying to access this (and any other mechanism which requires link properties or source/target capabilities) from JMS. Robbie and I have discussed that we need a mechanism... we haven't yet worked
out exactly what that will be though :-).
In the chapter 2.1.2, you talk about the propagation across network. You expect that for every hop you create a separate link pair. That means that when you have a big network,
all the link pairs will propagate up to the service which actually answers the request. That can result in quite a large number of links handled by the service. Sounds a bit inefficient to me. You have much more experience with actually writing the AMQP servers
than I do … do you think that this is OK and will not cause any problems?
As above, there is a second document coming which will allow for intermediaries to funnel many paired links into a combined "outgoing" paired link... using annotations that the receiver will have to reflect back on their response, so that
the intermediary can fan the responses back out to the correct requestor pair.
Hope this helps,
Thanks & Regards
amqp@lists.oasis-open.org [mailto:
amqp@lists.oasis-open.org ]
On Behalf Of Rob Godfrey
Sent: 10. brezna 2017 10:49
amqp@lists.oasis-open.org Subject: [amqp] Groups - linkpair uploaded
Submitter's message
After the last TC meeting a number of us agreed to go away and try to make some progress on the various work streams that we have outstanding. One of the building blocks that a lot of the other streams were waiting on was a definition of how to do direct request-response
messaging without requiring an intermediary.
After some discussions amongst the interested parties we came up with the idea of "link pairing" which is described in this document.
I have a number of other documents that I'll be putting out over the next week or two. Please send any comments/suggestions to this list. I'll aim to set up regular TC meetings once everybody's clocks are in sync again :-)
-- Rob Godfrey
Document Name :
AMQP defines links as unidirectional transport for messages between a
source and a target. A common messaging pattern is that of
"request-response", that is, two parties partaking in a bidirectional
conversation using messages. This document defines a common pattern for
pairing two unidirectional links to create a bidirectional message
transport between two endpoints.
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Submitter : Rob Godfrey
Group : OASIS Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) TC
Folder : Working Documents
Date submitted : 2017-03-10 01:48:07
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