OASIS LegalDocumentML (LegalDocML) TC

  • 1.  prefix in IDs

    Posted 11-04-2013 16:22
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    Dear all, Please find hereafter an Excel file with a first proposal for the prefix that can be used in currentId (and originalId) attribute. The excel sheet contains one line per element that can have a "currentId" attribute (the second column specify if this attribute is mandatory or not).  4 columns : - the name of the element, - if the currentId is optional or not in the schema for this element, - a proposition for the prefix and - the type of the element. My first choice is to define prefix with no fixed lenght (for example 3 chars) because - there are 268 elements and I prefer to start with a  specific prefix for each element - some elements are shorter (<p>) - some elements are very similar (mod, mmod, rmod) and using a fixed length prefix make the prefix little explicit. In this context, maybe a separator betiween the prefix and the number can be defined (for example ":") So the currentId could be "mmod:1_mod:1_qstr:1_art:20bis " This, also taking into account that sometimes, the numbering is composed only of one or more letters (for example pnta ( pnt:a ), pntiii ( pnt:iii ), recIN ( rec:IN ) recS ( rec:S ) and recs1 ( recs:1 ) I think that each structural element need to have its specific prefix, but, maybe, for inline elements, a generic prefix is enough ?  This is the reason of the column with the type of the element. Unfortunately, I cannot be present today, but I am happy to know your comments on it during this meeting Kind regards Véronique Parisse Véronique Parisse AUBAY Luxembourg Orco House 38, Parc d’activités - L-8308 Capellen Standard : +352 2992501 Fax : +352 299251 www.aubay.com De : legaldocml@lists.oasis-open.org [legaldocml@lists.oasis-open.org] de la part de Monica Palmirani [monica.palmirani@unibo.it] Envoyé : lundi 4 novembre 2013 16:39 À : legaldocml@lists.oasis-open.org Objet : [legaldocml] Groups - Event "LegalDocML - TC meeting Nov. 4th" added Event Title : LegalDocML - TC meeting Nov. 4th Date : Monday, 04 November 2013, 12:30pm to 01:30pm EST Description PAY ATTENTION TO THE LOCAL TIME: 9:30am (U.S. PST) 12:30pm (U.S. EST) 3:30pm (UYST, CLST) 5:30pm (GMT) 6:30pm (CET) The telecon will be hold ALSO using Adobe Connect. University of Bologna hosts the platform Adobe Connect. We have virtual room where you can enter as "guest" (click on the guest button and enter your last name). https://webconference.unibo.it/legaldocml/ Please try this new tool and in case of some problem contact me by email. Documentation: https://webconference.unibo.it/common/help/en/connect/8.0/using/index.html Agenda 1. Approval of the minutes of the previous TC meetings at Oct. 9th 2. Preliminary discussion of the prefix in IDs 3. D1: status report. 4. D2: status report. 5. Other business: schedule for arriving to the Public Review. 6. Adjournment Owner : Mrs. Monica Palmirani Group : OASIS LegalDocumentML (LegalDocML) TC Sharing : This event is shared with the OASIS Open (General Membership), and General Public groups. Public Event Link NOTE : In order to keep your calendar current automatically, please subscribe to the calendar. See our Forum for additional details: Subscribing to Group calendar feeds Attachment: prefix-ako-currentId-v1.xls Description: prefix-ako-currentId-v1.xls
