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Subject: RE: [xacml] Erik absent from focus group this week
<2c>In this context, is there ever a case
where the delegate/issuer is not a delegate? If there is not, I would prefer
the more explicit "delegate" to the more general "issuer."
I agree with "administrative"
vs. "administration."I am troubled by the <LaterDelegateAttributeDesignator>.
This may be abject ignorance or density on my part. However, does "Later"
here seems to imply that it will be identified as a delegate later in processing,
but the text says "The previous delegate
is transformed into a later delegate and the issuer
of Policy 2 is the new delegate"
which implies that it should be called "PreviousDelegate" instead?
Ron Williams
Sr. Enterprise Architect
IBM Tivoli Security & Privacy
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All - I have given a little thought to Eric's question
about the naming of "delegate". My preference is to change
"delegate" to "issuer" (see footnote). Of course,
there is potential for confusion with the <PolicyIssuer> element.
But, when seen in context (inside the <Target> element) its
meaning should be clear.
An alternative for <PolicyIssuer> would be <IssuerOfThisPolicy>.
But, my preference is to leave it as <PolicyIssuer>.
Perhaps we should talk about "administrative"
policy, instead of "administration" policy, to align with "administrative"
request, since "administration" request doesn't seem to convey
the meaning well.
Having evaluated a "pending policy", i.e. one
that it is not "in force" because it contains a <PolicyIssuer>
element, the contents of the <PolicyIssuer> element would be placed
in the <Issuer> element of the administrative request context. The
context handler may include additional verified attributes of the "policy
issuer". As currently defined, we are allowing the issuer of
a policy to include others of its attributes in addition to its names.
We should mention that the context handler should only include attributes
that it has verified (by unspecified means).
Please "chime in" if you disagree.
All the best. Tim.
Footnote: the elements <Delegates>, <Delegate>,
<DelegateMatch>, <DelegateAttributeDesignator>, <LaterDelegateAttributeDesignator>,
<xacml-contect:Delegate> and <xacml-contect:LaterDelegate>
are all impacted in a corresponding way.