General Announcements: Language Specification WD04 has been circulated for TC review before the next CSD ballot. apps/org/workgroup/openc2/ document.php?document_id=62646 Duncan Sparrell has proposed a new open source repo be established for the erlang/elixir languages similar to the recently passed repos for java and python. Please review the proposal; the TC co-chairs will call for objections at the next TC meeting. apps/org/workgroup/openc2/ document.php?document_id=62672 Unfortunately, Joe Brule has been informed that NSA will not be able to fund an OpenC2 booth in the OASIS pod at the RSA Conference. If any companies participating in OpenC2 are interested in funding a booth, please contact Joe Brule (NSA) or Jane Harnad (OASIS). OASIS has a Borderless Cyber event in Washington, D.C., 3-5 October 2018. There will be an OpenC2 Face-to-Face on 1-2 October, preceding the Borderless Cyber conference. Two aspects of this of particular importance to OpenC2: 1) The TC co-chairs are looking for a lead organizer for the October 1-2, 2018 F2F 2) OpenC2 participants should consider responding to the Borderless Cyber call for papers opening on March 12. Duncan Sparrell, Joe Brule, and Alex Everett invite review and comment on the initial draft of the Stateless Packet Filtering Firewall actuator profile; the current draft is based on updating the firewall profile started under the OpenC2 Forum to align with the current draft of the Language Specification, and can be found at document/d/1KTwSiOh2UZUyWbN- fOuc_G2S4N2EpxAN0MOKaKhPLbI/ edit#heading=h.gjdgxs Reminder: There is a proposal to rename the use case repo to remove its association with the Language SC and make clear that it is intended for OpenC2 use cases generally (i.e., rename from openc2-lsc-usecases to openc2-usecases (or similar)). The planned date for renaming the repo is Friday, March 23rd (two days after the monthly TC meeting). Announcements will be made at the TC working call and monthly meeting. If you have a fork of the repo, please plan ahead to submit any pull requests in time for them to be processed before the renaming. openc2-lsc-usecases Reminder: Draft minutes for the 21 February meeting have been posted to Kavi. Please review and provide comments and corrections to David Lemire. Coming This Week: Language Subcommittee (LSC) meeting will occur on Tuesday March 13th at 1:00pm Eastern. The L-SC agenda is captured in Lucid. Actuator Profile Subcommitee (AP-SC) meeting will occur on Wednesday, March 14th at 1:00pm Eastern. Lucid Meeting Invitations : Language, AP, and IC SC members should receive email notifications for their respective meetings directly from Lucid Meetings. If you are not receiving invitations via Lucid Emails, please notify Joe Brule or David Lemire ASAP and we will ensure that you are added. If you wish to routinely receive invitations to SC meetings, please join the SCs of interest in OASIS Kavi to ensure you receive future Lucid Meeting invites. Questions about OpenC2 and how to get involved: contact Joe Brule ( ), Sounil Yu ( ), or David Lemire ( ). If you haven't joined the discussion on the OpenC2 Slack community and would like to, let us know and we will get you started. Very Respectfully, Sent by David Lemire on behalf of Joe Brule & Sounil Yu, OpenC2 TC Co-Chairs David P. Lemire , CISSP OpenC2 Technical Committee Executive Secretary OpenC2 Implementation Considerations SC Co-chair Contractor support to NSA Email: Office: 301-575-5190 / Mobile: 240-938-9350