OASIS XML Localisation Interchange File Format (XLIFF) TC

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Groups - XLIFF TC Meeting modified

  • 1.  Groups - XLIFF TC Meeting modified

    Posted 04-06-2009 22:20
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    ical_23962.ics   977 B 1 version

  • 2.  RE: [xliff] Groups - XLIFF TC Meeting modified

    Posted 04-07-2009 15:00
    Just a note on #5:
    > 5/  "XLIFF 2.0 will be complete when _______"
    >   There are two camps for filling in the blank
    >   A. Set a calendar goal. All items that are complete and approved by the
    >      TC make it into XLIFF 2.0 - All others need to wait for the "next train,"
    >      i.e., XLIFF 2.X or XLIFF 3. Special care needs to be taken to define
    >      doneness and ensure no dependency issues between items.
    >      And "XLIFF 2.0 is complete on set date of *Month/Day/Year*"
    >          - or -
    >  B. Define a finite set of XLIFF 2.0 items. Set a cutoff date for adding items.
    >     The list of accepted items becomes our requirements document.
    >     And "XLIFF 2.0 is complete when items 1 through X are finished"
    >     (some in this camp see our current set of goals, as is, as that
    >     finite list)
    Since I was not in the TC when these requirements were defined I don't feel I can guess which method is the best.
    But I wanted to say that XLIFF is not a software. And we should be careful with releasing versions that do not have some specific features we know will ultimately end up there. Once out, files in that version build up a legacy that is not easy to "update" like versions of software. So I would be inclined to take more time if needed, to get maybe fewer versions but better ones. The same goes for any standard formats.