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Subject: Groups - Message Pipes (ebms3-MessagePipes-12.pdf) uploaded
This is a remodeling of the notion of Message Pipes, in order to address:
(1) concerns with teh recently proposed terminology of "Message Boxes".
This proposal rehabilitates the notion of "pipe" by generalizing it beyond
just one pair of MSHs, so that it can accommodate the most recent use
(2) The proposal keeps the same fundamental features as in message boxes -
but the modeling perspective (of a message flow) preserves the dynamic
aspect of mboxes.
-- Mr Jacques Durand
The document named Message Pipes (ebms3-MessagePipes-12.pdf) has been
submitted by Mr Jacques Durand to the OASIS ebXML Messaging Services TC
document repository.
Document Description:
This is a subset of the Messaging Model, replacing the former "Message
Pipes" section, as a proposed update to the notion of message pipes.
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-OASIS Open Administration
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