OASIS Emergency Management TC

IF-SC and EM-TC Meetings Today

  • 1.  IF-SC and EM-TC Meetings Today

    Posted 05-02-2006 14:09
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    Subject: IF-SC and EM-TC Meetings Today

    Call in details:  605-725-3600, access code 236489  for both meetings.

    There will be an IF-SC meeting at 11:30 EDT today, May 2.  David Ellis will lead the discussion.

    The EM-TC meeting will follow at 12:00 EDT
    1.  Attendance
    2.  Meeting Notes from 4/18 (please be prepared to provide any corrections/comments
    3.  Face to Face in San Francisco
    4.  EDXL-DE
    5.  Implementation SC

    The following has been submitted by the co-chairs of the planned implementation SC as to their charter and deliverables.

    EM-TC Implementation Subcommittee
    Co-Chairs: Dr. Aaron Temin and Mr. Josh Shows

    The EM Implementation Subcommittee was created by the Emergency
    Management Technical Committee (EM-TC) to assist those who wish to
    implement the EM-TC's standards within software and hardware systems,
    and to provide feedback to the EM-TC on implementers' experiences in
    implementing those standards.

    The subcommittee will provide the following deliverables to the EM-TC:

    * Update the EM-TC wiki with useful information for implementers
    * Create, update and augment implementation guides for all standards
    * Provide email support for EM-TC members with implementation questions
    * Provide feedback to the EM-TC on implementation issues that may affect
    future standards

    See you all on the call,

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