OASIS Universal Business Language (UBL) TC

RE: [ubl] Understanding code list declarations

  • 1.  RE: [ubl] Understanding code list declarations

    Posted 02-11-2006 05:15
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

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    Subject: RE: [ubl] Understanding code list declarations

    IMO, the simple type unconstrained CurrencyCodeType is an error due to
    previously reported missing and inconsistent information in the hand crafted
    spreadsheets for code lists that were imported into EDIFIX to create the
    data models, and subsequent CBC schema module.   
    I believe there is an action item to correct the hand crafted spreadsheets
    for the next schema generation.  Once the spreadsheets are accurate, EDIFIX
    will create the correct data models and auto generate the correct CBC schema
    module with complex types for all identified CodeTypes with the
    corresponding constraints.
    On a slightly different note, we recently changed the name of EDIFIX to
    GEFEG.FX to reflect the added functionality in the product from the original
    product that only included EDI functionality. We will refer to GEFEG.FX as
    just FX in the future.