It's just difficult to take any group, government or
otherwise, that discusses standards for interoperability
but only publishes their papers in proprietary PDF formats.
Slow learners, even after spending $4 billion + on CALS
only to have a group of colleges kids and a network wonk
hand them their heads.
From: Eliot Christian []
The attached press release announces that the Industry
Advisory Council's Enterprise Architecture Shared Interest
Group (IAC EA SIG) published several Industry White Papers,
available at
I would especially recommend the paper on "Interoperability
Strategy - Concepts, Challenges, and Recommendations". This
paper frames the major issues from an international standards
perspective, using an architecture centered on services with
defined semantics as well as common syntax. It offers a solid
foundation with specific principles that can be adopted and
implemented today, ranging from basic business processes up
to networked information discovery.