OASIS ebXML Messaging Services TC

[ebxml-msg] Issue 22: Require errors when instance disagrees with CPA

  • 1.  [ebxml-msg] Issue 22: Require errors when instance disagrees with CPA

    Posted 02-12-2002 17:20
    Our discussion leading up to a recommendation Dale and Arvola took to the CPA
    group for the new "in instance" value for particular CPA parameters included
    general agreement our document would need to change if that recommendation was
    accepted.  Chris has made a specific recommendation for words reflecting our
    other general agreement that some type of agreement always exists and errors
    should be returned when a received message doesn't follow the agreement.
    Since our recommendation to the CPA team has been accepted, we should make
    this change.  Otherwise, we'll be ignoring features we specifically requested
    in the CPA.