OASIS ebXML Messaging Services TC

  • 1.  Diff log of changes for re-submission

    Posted 12-08-2010 20:38
        I have been trying to submit the request for public review of Part 2 and I cannot complete the form as we do not have a diference log of the changes or a PDF with chnages marked.   Can someone please create a mdif marked copy so I can submit the request.  (I suspect either Jacques or Sanders have suitable copies to compare!)
    Sorry we did not catch this earlier new mandatory field on form!

  • 2.  Re: [ebxml-msg] Diff log of changes for re-submission

    Posted 12-08-2010 20:53
    Hi Ian,
      I can make the diff for you. It's just a simple document compare.
    On Dec 8, 2010, at 3:37 PM, ian.c.jones@bt.com wrote:
    > Team,
    >    I have been trying to submit the request for public review of Part 2 and I cannot complete the form as we do not have a diference log of the changes or a PDF with chnages marked.   Can someone please create a mdif marked copy so I can submit the request.  (I suspect either Jacques or Sanders have suitable copies to compare!)
    > Thanks,
    > Ian
    > Sorry we did not catch this earlier new mandatory field on form!

  • 3.  RE: [ebxml-msg] Diff log of changes for re-submission

    Posted 12-09-2010 08:37
    Hi Ian,
    I just uploaded a DIFF between the new CSD 02 and the CD 01
    that went into the earlier public review.
    In doing so,  I found out that OpenOffice had again messed
    up the section numbering when I did the spell check
    revision, so I also fixed that and uploaded a new version of
    the CSD02 that fixes this.  The diff is with this version. 
    Let's hope we're all set now!
    Have a good day.