UBL Naming and Design Rules SC

RE: URGENT: Adding a Restricted datatype

  • 1.  RE: URGENT: Adding a Restricted datatype

    Posted 02-05-2004 09:25
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

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    Subject: RE: URGENT: Adding a Restricted datatype

    Hello Lisa,
    I suggest that we follow for interoperability reasons always the ISO 8601 standard, if we're representing any date or time information. The representation DD/MM/YY or MM/YY is not compliant to ISO 8601. The equivalent ISO 8601 representation is "CCYY-MM", which can be represented by the built-in data type "xsd:gYearMonth". Lisa mentioned this in her mail.
    The correct definition of "ExpiryDate" is:
    	<simpleType name="ExpiryDate">
    		<restriction base="xsd:gYearMonth"/>
    Description: The "ExpiryDate" based on the CCT "Date" in a restricted form. This restriction would be expressed by the built-in data type "g:YearMonth" directly and no attributes (supplementary components) are necessary. Therefore, this data type can be defined as "simpleType".
    Kind regards,