OASIS Emergency Management TC

Meeting Minutes: 2003.11.04

  • 1.  Meeting Minutes: 2003.11.04

    Posted 11-05-2003 01:17
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

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    Subject: Meeting Minutes: 2003.11.04

    ["Transport" Discussion]
    * Rrick should have a draft by tomorrow. 
    * Ggary provided some thoughts around why we should consider a different
    title for this. Its really about patterns and compatibility, not just
    * Allen comments that we should probably table the name until we have
    our requirements flushed out - that the name should be a reflection of
    the requirements. 
    * Rex offers "message exchange" as a possible term. n
    * Net result is that we all acknowledge the scope of what we want to try
    and cover, and that we need to make sure it is appropriately defined and
    [MSG SC]
    * Rex has offered to act as Co-Chair, as long as he has help. He feels
    it is important to have this SC. Agreed.
    * Rex to Co-Chair MSG with Art for short term to help get through
    current Action Items. CAP public comments to be handled by TC.
    * Test Scenarios will be limited until transport is resolved, but can
    start working on now.
    * Suggestion to meet every Tuesday at 12pm EST (same dialin/passcode) to
    try and keep up with CAP comments. No objections made to this. To
    * Will start with list Walid has compiled.
    * Future area of needs include mapsketch comments for ICS 201 work. 
    * Beyond that, it appears the TC needs to update the overall
    Requirements document. Allen to take stab at updating this to "today's
    status" and circulate to group to start to identify next focus areas.
    R. Allen Wyke
    Chair, OASIS Emergency Management Technical Committee

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