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Subject: Re: [office] Update on going to ISO
Good news, indeed. OASIS has had success in the past with submitting ou
completed work to ISO; the four ebXML OASIS Standards were submitted to
and approved by ISO TC 154 as ISO TSs.
I'll point you to the OASIS Liaison Policy at for
the process for submitting OASIS work to another org.
Patrick Durusau wrote:
> Greetings,
> I checked with the members of V1 (the US national committee to JTC 1,
> SC34) on the route to take the OpenOffice OASIS specification to ISO.
> OASIS is a full liason to SC34 so once the OpenOffice is in the proper
> format, it can go directly to DIS (Draft International Standard stage).
> Re-formatting will be required. Same experience as RELAX-NG, which also
> went from an OASIS to ISO in SC34. I have been told there were a number
> of transformation stylesheets prepared in connection with that effort,
> but I suspect they will be guidance as to what we need to do, since the
> OpenOffice specification is in OpenOffice format.
> Both Jim Mason, convenor of SC34 (was around pre-SGML and following) as
> well as Jon Bosak thought that SC34 would be a good place for the
> OpenOffice Format Specification.
> I think you can count on the support of the rest of V1 in terms of
> assisting in sheparding the OpenOffice Specification through the ISO
> process.
> Hope everyone is having a great day!
> Patrick
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