OASIS Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) TC

  • 1.  Health update

    Posted 03-14-2016 16:58
    Just wanted to let everyone know that I am doing very well.  It looks as if I'll be discharged from the hospital this afternoon ... If that happens as planned, I'll chair the TC call tomorrow. I really need a break from magazines, Netflix, Sudoku, and reading quilting blogs :) I want to thank everyone for the messages and gifts, especially the stunning flowers. Kris Sent from my iPad On Mar 7, 2016, at 11:15 PM, Robert D Anderson < robander@us.ibm.com > wrote: Hi, I heard from Kris this afternoon that she is in the hospital, starting to recover from some unplanned surgery. She has already been in the ICU for several days and will be for a while longer. Kris said it will probably be several days before she reads any emails, but may be able to receive shorter messages. She mentioned that she may be able to read something more the size of a tweet - I know she's not a frequent Twitter user but that may be a good way to send any short messages. After checking in with Tom and Nancy, we've decided to cancel tomorrow's call, because we do not have any business pressing enough to set up the agenda. I do anticipate we'll have a call next week, so if there is anything you'd like to discuss, please send to the list. Those who know Kris well should not be surprised that I had to urge her several times not to spend time worrying about the TC right now, so hopefully she'll really be off this email list for a while. I'll pass along any more health updates as I hear them. Thanks everybody - Robert D Anderson IBM Authoring Tools Development Chief Architect, DITA Open Toolkit ( http://www.dita-ot.org/ )