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Subject: Re: [emergency] EDXL resource info model
Certainly makes sense to me, Renato, Elysa, Tim,
I am putting it on the agenda for tomorrow's meeting.
Renato, If I can arrange a 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Eastern US Time
concall, that would be 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Pacific Time (my time
and Art's time if we are both on the West Coast) and that would be
8:00 a.m. your time if you are in Brisbane, right? Could you do that?
I have handled these time frames in concalls before and it works
though just barely. Unfortunately, that will have to be the week of
Oct. 10 at the earliest for me since I have a week of all-day
concalls from the WSRP face to face in Ireland next week, which has
me up 1:00 am to 8:00 am here in Berkeley, CA, and tends to wipe out
most of my day after that. Fortunately we only do that European face
to face once a year, but it never coincides with a time that I can
make it, even if I have a sponsor or a client willing to pony up the
freight to haul my carcass to one of those week long marathons. It is
every bit as all-consuming when it is here on the West Coast. Just
about any other mentally concentrated work is just not possible after
those sessions.
I mention all of this because OASIS is supposed to a international in
its focus, so I think it behooves us to accommodate members such as
yourself, and I also think it is important for you to be able to
represent your viewpoint in the normal give and take of our meetings.
At 8:22 AM -0500 9/26/05, Elysa Jones wrote:
>Yes, we can certainly address any inconsistencies in the data/info
>model. The RM is going to be worked in the Messaging/Notification
>Subcommittee, Rex and Art are the co-chairs. They might want to
>consider having you do a review of the model and report to the SC if
>you are willing. Elysa
>At 09:18 PM 9/25/2005, Renato Iannella wrote:
>>On 24 Sep 2005, at 00:19, Timothy Grapes wrote:
>>>During the call on Tuesday, some participants could not view the info
>>>model embedded in the document. Attached is that diagram both
>>>copied into
>>>word and the original vision diagram (Elysa, I don't have adobe
>>Tim, can you send the Visio file in XML format (export it to XML)?
>>Also (as most of you may have guessed from the EDXL DE Model
>>the RM model is very data oriented - ie the Info entity is just a
>>flat container
>>of all sorts of elements with all sorts of conflicting semantics (eg
>>"Decline Reason"
>>and "Actual Arrival Date").
>>I assume (and I could be wrong here) that we are allowed to address
>>the data/info
>>model inconsistencies and to develop a newer (and more semantically
>>correct) model?
>>Cheers... Renato Iannella
>>National ICT Australia (NICTA)
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Rex Brooks
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Starbourne Communications Design
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