Thanks Bill. Now, if we have someone who is interested enough and has some cycles, they can help out, for example, by doing the following: edit the readme file, first to explain: what kind of client do you need to access the repository and how do you set it up how does one use the client to check out and then update the file and check it back in While this may seem trivial to someone familiar w Subversion (I confess that I use Subversion frequently, but I don't know how to attach to some other repository, etc.), I think the fact is that Subversion could be a blocking factor to someone who wants to contribute. So, if the minimum instructions could be added that would be useful. Again, I am not asking Bill to do this, but anyone who wants to start on the next step might consider it. Thanks, Rich Bill Parducci wrote: type= cite > done. README.txt has been added. b On Jan 14, 2011, at 7:28 AM, Rich.Levinson wrote: Hi Bill, That sounds like a sensible intention for the structure. It would probably be useful if a brief note to this effect, could be put in some obvious place at the top of the tree, maybe in a readme directory, possibly along with some brief instructions, maybe just a link, on where to get info on how to use svn to manage this structure. Possibly only some placeholder instructions, so that anyone who is able to take the time to plunge into it could add new and useful things. For example, at minimum, just indicate that you did the following to create the readme directory and add the readme file to it. :) i.e. I am only asking that you do the briefest possible thing, such that the next person knows the state where things were left and some hints as to how to proceed. And if you don't have time, maybe someone else could volunteer and just ask you enough questions so that they could do the simple intro I suggested above. Thanks, Rich Bill Parducci wrote: That was the original intent in the svn repo. It was setup using tags for each version initially: xacml /current ConformanceTests.html schemas tests /tags /XACML-v1.0 ConformanceTests.html schemas tests I believe current is the v1.1 tests. These should be tagged and the v2 tests loaded, etc. Of course, any of this can be modified to work differently (e.g. branching) or use a different technology altogether (git?), it is just that subversion is what Oasis had available at the time. b On Jan 14, 2011, at 3:13 AM, <> wrote: Maybe we should maintain a suite of test cases per version of the spec? That would solve your problem (also mine ;) mentioned above, and would also make it possible to see how conformant a given implementation is wrt all the spec versions. Thanks, Ray --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe from this mail list, you must leave the OASIS TC that generates this mail. Follow this link to all your TCs in OASIS at: