Original Message-----
> From: Kristen Eberlein [mailto:keberlein@sdl.com]
> Sent: Tuesday, 2010 October 26 11:56
> Subject: [dita] Upcoming DITA 1.2 vote: Have you contacted your
> company's OASIS representative?
> Hi, DITA TC members.
> On November 1st, the DITA 1.2 specification will be submitted to OASIS
> for consideration. Between 16-30 November, OASIS organizational
> will be able to cast a vote to approve DITA 1.2 as a standard.
> The DITA TC wants to get started with the process of encouraging
> to vote on DITA 1.2 once the ballot opens in mid-November.
> Many of you represent companies that have an organizational membership
> with OASIS; some of you TC members actually are the primary
> representative for your company. At this time, we'd like to ask TC
> members to post the following information to the DITA TC mailing list:
> * Name of the company
> * (For primary OASIS representatives) That you are aware of the
> upcoming ballot and intend to vote once the ballot is open
> * (For TC members who are not the primary OASIS rep) That you have
> contacted your company's primary rep and that she or he intends to
> when the ballot opens
I am the primary rep to OASIS for PTC-Arbortext, and I intend
to vote on DITA 1.2 when the ballot opens.