MEETING MINUTES OF BDXR TC MEETING 26 NOVEMBER 2014 ATTENDANCE Jens Aabol Kenneth Bengtsson (chair) Sander Fieten Sven Rasmussen VOTE TO REQUEST A SPECIAL MAJORITY VOTE FOR APPROVING THE SERVICE METADATA PUBLISHING SPECIFICATION WITH ARTIFACTS AS COMMITTEE SPECIFICATION Membership voting status is determined by the following: Current voting members from list above: Jens Aabol Kenneth Bengtsson Sander Fieten Sven Rasmussen It was established that a quorum had been reached with 100% participation of voting members. Sander Fieten made a motion to request that TC Administration hold a Special Majority Vote to approve the Service Metadata Publishing specification version 1.0, Working Draft number 04 contained in with the previously agreed upon XML Schema contained in as a Committee Specification. Sander Fieten further moved that the TC affirm that changes have been made since the last public review, that the changes made are documented in and that the TC judges these changes to be Non-Material in accordance with the definition in the OASIS TC Process ( ). The motion was seconded by Sven Rasmussen. All present members agreed to affirm that the changes made since the last public review are of a non-material nature, and further approved of the motion to request OASIS TC Administration to set up a special majority ballot to vote on advancing the current draft of the Service Metadata Publishing specification version 1.0 wd 04 to become Committee Specification. ANY OTHER BUSINESS It was agreed that we want to move forward with advancing the BDXL and SMP specifications to become OASIS standards. The SMP specification already has significant traction in PEPPOL where it has been in use for several years, however PEPPOL users must (as the only change necessary) change namespace in their implementations to become fully compliant with the current committee draft specification. It was agreed to reach out to PEPPOL members to provide an implementation with changed namespace in order to support the advancement of SMP as OASIS specification by providing a Statement of Use. Next call December 10 is tentatively cancelled while the SMP draft specification is being advanced to become committee. The call after falls on December 24, why regular TC will commence in the new year on January 7, 2015. The TC can meet in the meanwhile if requested by a TC member to do so. MEETING SCHEDULE Tentatively cancelled: December 10 2014, 1600 CEST Cancelled: December 2014, 1600 CEST January 7 2017, 1600 CEST, conference call Kenneth Bengtsson