Hi Cherie,
Do you have any input/feedback for the JIRA issues for which I have ask
for review?
Best regards, Oliver.
On 09/22/10 08:43, Oliver-Rainer Wittmann - Software Engineer - Oracle
> Hi Cherie,
> Thank you for taking action on my request.
> Best regards, Oliver.
> On 09/21/10 23:23, Cherie Ekholm wrote:
>> Hi Oliver,
>> I went through these this afternoon and have sent email to the
>> internal Microsoft reviewers who submitted the issues, asking them to
>> do a review of the comments. I hope to hear back in the next few
>> days.
>> Cherie
Original Message----- From: Cherie Ekholm Sent: Tuesday,
>> September 21, 2010 7:59 AM To: Oliver-Rainer Wittmann - Software
>> Engineer - Oracle Subject: RE: [office] Request for review some JIRA
>> issues
>> Yes, of course. It may be Thursday before I have a chance to look at
>> them as my schedule is full this week, but I'll let you know the
>> results as soon as I do.
>> Cherie
>> ________________________________________ From: Oliver-Rainer Wittmann
>> - Software Engineer - Oracle [oliver-rainer.wittmann@oracle.com]
>> Sent: Tuesday, September 21, 2010 2:59 AM To: ODF TC Subject:
>> [office] Request for review some JIRA issues
>> Hi Cherie,
>> you have submitted some JIRA issues for ODF 1.2. For some of them I
>> have given a comment whose in my opinion solve these issues. I have
>> assigned these issue to you. I want to ask you, if you can review
>> these issues and leave a comment, if the issues are solved or not.
>> You can access these issues from the "ODF 1.2 CD05 Dashboard", table
>> "ODF 1.2 CD05 (Unresolved and not ODF-Next)" by following the link at
>> your name in the table header.
>> Thx in advance, Oliver.
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Oliver-Rainer Wittmann | Oracle Open Office and ODF Standardization
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