UBL Transportation SC

RE: [ubl-tsc] Agenda for tomorrow's UBL-TSC concall

  • 1.  RE: [ubl-tsc] Agenda for tomorrow's UBL-TSC concall

    Posted 04-12-2006 22:27
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    Subject: RE: [ubl-tsc] Agenda for tomorrow's UBL-TSC concall

    To facilitate discussion of the first agenda item (requirements from the DOT test), please see attached.

    From: Kama, Kamarudin Bin Tambi [mailto:kama@crimsonlogic.com]
    Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2006 3:47 AM
    To: ubl-tsc@lists.oasis-open.org
    Cc: Eric Tesoro; Michael.Onder@dot.gov; ralph.ho@tradelink.com.hk
    Subject: [ubl-tsc] Agenda for tomorrow's UBL-TSC concall

    Hi all,
    Please find below the agenda for tomorrow's concall.
    Date                   : 13 April 2006
    Time                   : 10AM - 12PM SGT
    Telephone           : +65 67844333
    Conference Code : 800324
    1. Status Message : Information Requirement - Dave's team
    2. Issue List - Tim / Kama
    3. AOB
    UBL TSC Chair


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