OASIS Static Analysis Results Interchange Format (SARIF) TC

  • 1.  Invitation to join the OASIS CACAO Technical Committee

    Posted 07-31-2019 19:08
    OASIS is pleased to announce the formation of the Collaborative Automated
    Course of Action Operations (CACAO) Technical Committee (TC),
    https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/tc-announce/201907/msg00002.html. The
    CACAO TC will create a standard that defines structured and machine-readable
    cybersecurity response playbooks.

    CACAO is already generating a lot of interest. CACAO is an exciting
    opportunity for the cybersecurity industry to take a standards-based
    approach for end to end threat prevention, detection and remediation.

    Please contact me directly if you would like participation information.



    Senior Manager, Development & Advocacy
    OASIS | Advancing open standards for the information society
    +1.781.425.5073 x211 (Office) | +1.941.321.6733 (Cell)
    <http: www.oasis-open.org/=""> http://www.oasis-open.org


  • 2.  Invitation to join the OASIS CACAO Technical Committee

    Posted 07-31-2019 20:54
    OASIS members,   OASIS is in the process of forming the Collaborative Automated Course of Action Operations (CACAO) Technical Committee (TC), https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/tc-announce/201907/msg00002.html . The CACAO TC will create a standard that defines structured and machine-readable cybersecurity response playbooks.   CACAO is already generating a lot of interest. CACAO is an exciting opportunity for the cybersecurity industry to take a standards-based approach for end to end threat prevention, detection and remediation.   You may join at any time but if you would like to be listed as a co-proposer in the Call for Participation, please provide a Statement of Support by COB 2 August (Friday).   Please contact me directly if you need more information.   Regards, Dee         Senior Manager, Development & Advocacy OASIS Advancing open standards for the information society  +1.781.425.5073 x211 (Office) +1.941.321.6733 (Cell) http://www.oasis-open.org  

  • 3.  Invitation to join the OASIS CACAO Technical Committee

    Posted 07-31-2019 20:54
      |   view attached
    OASIS members,   OASIS is in the process of forming the Collaborative Automated Course of Action Operations (CACAO) Technical Committee (TC), https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/tc-announce/201907/msg00002.html . The CACAO TC will create a standard that defines structured and machine-readable cybersecurity response playbooks.   CACAO is already generating a lot of interest. CACAO is an exciting opportunity for the cybersecurity industry to take a standards-based approach for end to end threat prevention, detection and remediation.   You may join at any time but if you would like to be listed as a co-proposer in the Call for Participation, please provide a Statement of Support by COB 2 August (Friday).   Please contact me directly if you need more information.   Regards, Dee         Senior Manager, Development & Advocacy OASIS Advancing open standards for the information society  +1.781.425.5073 x211 (Office) +1.941.321.6733 (Cell) http://www.oasis-open.org  

  • 4.  Invitation to join the OASIS CACAO Technical Committee

    Posted 07-31-2019 20:54
    OASIS members,   OASIS is in the process of forming the Collaborative Automated Course of Action Operations (CACAO) Technical Committee (TC), https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/tc-announce/201907/msg00002.html . The CACAO TC will create a standard that defines structured and machine-readable cybersecurity response playbooks.   CACAO is already generating a lot of interest. CACAO is an exciting opportunity for the cybersecurity industry to take a standards-based approach for end to end threat prevention, detection and remediation.   You may join at any time but if you would like to be listed as a co-proposer in the Call for Participation, please provide a Statement of Support by COB 2 August (Friday).   Please contact me directly if you need more information.   Regards, Dee         Senior Manager, Development & Advocacy OASIS Advancing open standards for the information society  +1.781.425.5073 x211 (Office) +1.941.321.6733 (Cell) http://www.oasis-open.org  

  • 5.  Invitation to join the OASIS CACAO Technical Committee

    Posted 07-31-2019 20:54
    OASIS members,   OASIS is in the process of forming the Collaborative Automated Course of Action Operations (CACAO) Technical Committee (TC), https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/tc-announce/201907/msg00002.html . The CACAO TC will create a standard that defines structured and machine-readable cybersecurity response playbooks.   CACAO is already generating a lot of interest. CACAO is an exciting opportunity for the cybersecurity industry to take a standards-based approach for end to end threat prevention, detection and remediation.   You may join at any time but if you would like to be listed as a co-proposer in the Call for Participation, please provide a Statement of Support by COB 2 August (Friday).   Please contact me directly if you need more information.   Regards, Dee         Senior Manager, Development & Advocacy OASIS Advancing open standards for the information society  +1.781.425.5073 x211 (Office) +1.941.321.6733 (Cell) http://www.oasis-open.org