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Subject: RE: [emergency] FW: Inter-Governmental Information Sharing Standards: Meeting March 8
++1. The heralds of the death march to the sea are the
siren calls from the shipwrecks. Best to keep to the
Most of you are likely aware that the version/namespace
issue is back in front of the W3C tag. In summary:
1. Namespaces a theoretically infinite sets if one
thinks a the NSURI identifies the collection.
2. The conservative interpretation is the NSURI is
just a syntax wall for distinguishing say, xhtml:p from
html:p, but has no semantic implications and doesn't
really name the set. It is good practice architecturally
to put a resource (document, control, whatever) at the
location the URI locates (simply by dint of being a URI).
Discussions are ongoing about the best form of that resource
(eg, OWL, RDDL, XML Schema, etc.).
3. Some different proposals are being discussed for
using version atts and perhaps even attaching these
to the NSURI as a relative value.
From: Art Botterell []
All these larger issues do need attention, at the appropriate time
and in the appropriate venues... but I'm suggesting that this TC may
get more done by "sticking to our knitting" than by letting ourselves
be embroiled into other people's issues.
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