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Subject: Re: [emergency] Poster for NAWS Participation
Dave -
I'm a little uncertain as to the scope of "alerting and warning" in
this context. My sense is that you're talking about operational
alerting within the HS community, as distinct from public warning
directly or via the news media. In other words, this is largely
orthogonal to IPAWS, HazCollect and such. Is that right?
- Art
> At 7:52 AM -0700 3/22/06, Ellis, David wrote:
>> ALL
>> Please review and consent to adding company logos on NAWS Poster.
>> Primary purpose is to demonstrate future use of EDXL-DE for
>> national alerting and warning. There will obviously be other uses
>> of your applications and ways you market them but poster implies
>> intent to create EDXL-DE messages (Documents) for prototype
>> evaluation and if appropriate for deployment as a NAWS capability.
>> I need a reply with company logo attached by Thursday. I intent to
>> present this poster at the 2006 Defense Continuity Conference in
>> two weeks and need to have poster created ASAP.
>> David E. Ellis
>> Information Management Architect
>> (505) 844-6697
>> Content-Type: application/;
>> name="NAWS Poster.ppt"
>> Content-Description: NAWS Poster.ppt
>> Content-Disposition: attachment;
>> filename="NAWS Poster.ppt"
>> Attachment converted: Macintosh HD:NAWS Poster 1.ppt (SLD3/�IC�)
>> (00103BBB)
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> --
> Rex Brooks
> President, CEO
> Starbourne Communications Design
> GeoAddress: 1361-A Addison
> Berkeley, CA 94702
> Tel: 510-849-2309
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