OASIS Emergency Management TC

Meeting Minutes: 2003.12.09

  • 1.  Meeting Minutes: 2003.12.09

    Posted 12-09-2003 18:19
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

    emergency message

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    Subject: Meeting Minutes: 2003.12.09

    A LOT of great progress on today's call. 
    Here are the general updates on each of the issues, which can be founded in the updated CAP Issues List.xls in the document section. The "resolved" items were all voted on, and there were no votes against any of the resolutions.
    1 (Need More Info): Is the question in the context of "how is it dealt with" or "what does it mean". The group really does not want to make a statement here, but we may be able to add something for clarification reasons. Walid to track down who sent it, since it was part of the original list, and see if we can clarify.
    2 (Amend): Change entry for <geocode> to read "(3) This element is primarily for compatibility with other systems. Use of this element...it SHOULD be..."
    3 (Reject): Addressed in Section 3.3.1.
    4 (Amend): Add the following as the second sentence to section 1.1 "...of alerts and notifications. It does not address any particular application or telecommunications method. The CAP format..."
    7/9 (Need More Info): Still needs further debate via email. The IF SC is going to talk about and then forward the final proposal to the TC for discussion.
    22 (Need More Info): Allen to circulate a proposal.
    29 (Need More Info): Allen to circulate again based on new suggestion of just examples.
    30 (Amend): Will amend Section 1.3 to include the following "..more <area> segments. Under most circumstances CAP messages with a <msgType> value of "Alert" SHOULD include at least one <info> element. (See the document..." There will be no schema changes.
    31 (Amend): We cannot, at this time, confirm that will be in this format. To avoid confusion, we will include the word "generally" before "..in the form.." for the <geocode> element to convey this.
    32 (Amend): Amend description of <resourceDesc> to read "The human readable text describing the content and kind, such as 'map' or 'photo', of the resource file."
    Finally, Art proposed that we move to 2 days a week in order to complete our review of the comments. The group agreed. If you have ANY objections to this, please let me know by noon tomorrow (12/10). Unless otherwise specified, we WILL be meeting, for the foreseeable future, every Tuesday AND Thursday at 12:00pm (noon) EST. Same dialin info, and the next call is 12/11.

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