OASIS Emergency Management TC

Re: [egov/em] International EDXL requirements - was Countermeasures for Epidemic of Congressional Ignorance?

  • 1.  Re: [egov/em] International EDXL requirements - was Countermeasures for Epidemic of Congressional Ignorance?

    Posted 09-20-2005 15:50
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

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    Subject: Re: [egov/em] International EDXL requirements - was Countermeasures for Epidemic of Congressional Ignorance?

    Interesting discussion. Just to add to the international mix of requirements, I would also check out the e-GIF framework for Singapore. I see the ones for the UK and New Zealand are already mentioned. To add to the mix is the requirements for risk management and emergency services in Europe as documented as part of the ORCHESTRA program. And in terms of expressing an address, how about considering OASISs' own xAL (Extensible Address Language) specification?
    Finally, in terms of a registry of information as suggested by Duane, check out EPAD - www.epad.us
