Submitter's message Here is the updated agenda. It is the same as the preliminary agenda but with all the comments filled in.
I have deliberately made this a modest meeting, just to get us started after our long break. Note that I have not scheduled discussions of the issues themselves, only triage. The deeper discussions will happen at future meetings.
Since we only have a few issues to triage, I have scheduled this meeting for 90 minutes instead of two hours. It is possible that we can end even earlier than that. -- David Keaton Document Name : Agenda for August 1, 2018 Description Agenda for the SARIF TC teleconference on August 1, 2018 Download Latest Revision Public Download Link Submitter : David Keaton Group : OASIS Static Analysis Results Interchange Format (SARIF) TC Folder : Meeting Notes Date submitted : 2018-07-31 18:36:28