OASIS Member Discuss

  • 1.  Comments on AIR 1.0, WD15

    Posted 07-27-2005 17:24
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

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    Subject: Comments on AIR 1.0, WD15

    First some general comments. I found the document overly complex and
    somewhat difficult to read. It appears to have far-reaching consequences for
    all future OASIS TC work. As such, I believe it needs at a minimum, more
    concrete examples. I think a set of concrete examples based on a fictitious
    OASIS TC and standard would be very useful, and aid in understanding how
    these requirements would apply to a specific OASIS TC and standard.
    Here are some specific comments:
    lines 9 and 10. The scheme component is missing from the URLs. Is it http or
    something else?
    line 512. RFC 3122 is titled "Extensions to IPv6 Neighbor Discovery for
    Inverse Discovery Specification." This must be a typographical error.
    On behalf of the OASIS CGM Open WebCGM TC,
    Rob Orosz
    Senior Software Engineer
    Auto-trol Technology
    12500 North Washington Street
    Denver, CO. 80241-2400
    (303) 252-2262

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