OASIS Emergency Management TC

Re: [emergency-comment] Who can issue CAP alerts?

  • 1.  Re: [emergency-comment] Who can issue CAP alerts?

    Posted 03-12-2004 20:11
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

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    Subject: Re: [emergency-comment] Who can issue CAP alerts?

    Another one out to the group to discuss. This is a reflection of our 
    need to be clearer (in Charter, Requirements doc, FAQ, and individual 
    spec documents) in what/who our standards are for. Right now it has a 
    very Government-only feel, which is definitely not the case. CAP is a 
    great example of a general-use alerting effort that spans both private 
    and public sectors.
    On Mar 4, 2004, at 12:03 PM, Bob Wyman wrote:
    >     Please forgive me if I've missed something in the documentation 
    > and in my scanning of previous messges on the mailing lists...
    >     I'm curious about the expectations for who is permitted or 
    > expected to generate CAP alerts. For instance:
    > 	• 	Should the fire and/or burglar alarms in my building or home be 
    > able to generate CAP alerts if they are connected to a phone line or 
    > the Internet?
    > 	• 	If I'm driving a car which can make phone calls and has a GPS 
    > (i.e. like one of the OnStar systems), would it be proper for the car 
    > (or the monitoring agency) to generate a CAP alert when the air-bag 
    > fires or if there is some other indication of an accident?
    >     Basically, the question is: Is CAP only for formal agencies? Or, 
    > is it something that is expected to be broadly used?
    >          bob wyman

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