OASIS Emergency Management TC

  • 1.  Invitation to participate in OASIS EDXL Round-up at IAEM event

    Posted 08-24-2012 23:01
    Dear OASIS Members,   OASIS will host another ‘Emergency Standards Round-up’ at the International Association of Emergency Managers (IAEM) annual conference in Orlando on 26 Oct-1 Nov. The Round-up offers enhanced visibility for companies with products that support any of the OASIS Emergency Data Exchange Language (EDXL) suite of standards, including the Common Alerting Protocol (CAP).   Your company is invited to join OASIS in the Round-up and be recognized for your support of emergency standards. The concept of the Round-up is unique. Each company chooses and organizes its own booth space on the exhibit floor. IAEM attendees are provided with a map of all booths participating in the Round-up. Round-up exhibitors give raffle tickets to attendees who view their demos. A raffle is held at the end of each day in the OASIS Round-up booth. In addition to your own lead generation, Round-up participants receive all the leads collected in the OASIS booth.   As a participant, companies will receive: * Face-time with IAEM decision-makers (more traffic in your booth) * Leads from all Round-up attendees (not just those who come to your booth) * Press exposure * Opportunity to network with government officials, potential partners, investors, etc.   The links below provide more information. Please contact me to reserve your space in the Round-up before the deadline of 1 Oct.   Regards, Jane   **Related links**   OASIS Round-up Showcase: https://www.oasis-open.org/events/edxl/2012/roundup   IAEM EMEX conference: http://www.emex.org/     Jane Harnad OASIS Manager of Events jane.harnad@oasis-open.org   Follow us on: LinkedIn:  http://linkd.in/OASISopen Twitter:  http://twitter.com/OASISopen Facebook:  http://facebook.com/oasis.open  

  • 2.  Invitation to participate in OASIS EDXL Round-up at IAEM event

    Posted 10-05-2012 18:58
    Dear OASIS Members,   OASIS will host another ‘Emergency Standards Round-up’ at the International Association of Emergency Managers (IAEM) annual conference in Orlando on 26 Oct-1 Nov. The Round-up offers enhanced visibility for companies with products that support any of the OASIS Emergency Data Exchange Language (EDXL) suite of standards, including the Common Alerting Protocol (CAP).   Your company is invited to join OASIS in the Round-up and be recognized for your support of emergency standards. The concept of the Round-up is unique. Each company chooses and organizes its own booth space on the exhibit floor. IAEM attendees are provided with a map of all booths participating in the Round-up. Round-up exhibitors give raffle tickets to attendees who view their demos. A raffle is held at the end of each day in the OASIS Round-up booth. In addition to your own lead generation, Round-up participants receive all the leads collected in the OASIS booth.   As a participant, companies will receive: * Face-time with IAEM decision-makers (more traffic in your booth) * Leads from all Round-up attendees (not just those who come to your booth) * Press exposure * Opportunity to network with government officials, potential partners, investors, etc.   The links below provide more information. Please contact me to reserve your space in the Round-up before the deadline of 1 2 Oct.   Regards, Jane   **Related links**   OASIS Round-up Showcase: https://www.oasis-open.org/events/edxl/2012/roundup   IAEM EMEX conference: http://www.emex.org/     Jane Harnad OASIS Manager of Events jane.harnad@oasis-open.org   Follow us on: LinkedIn:  http://linkd.in/OASISopen Twitter:  http://twitter.com/OASISopen Facebook:  http://facebook.com/oasis.open  

  • 3.  Invitation to participate in OASIS EDXL Round-up at IAEM event

    Posted 10-05-2012 18:58
    Dear OASIS Members,   OASIS will host another ‘Emergency Standards Round-up’ at the International Association of Emergency Managers (IAEM) annual conference in Orlando on 26 Oct-1 Nov. The Round-up offers enhanced visibility for companies with products that support any of the OASIS Emergency Data Exchange Language (EDXL) suite of standards, including the Common Alerting Protocol (CAP).   Your company is invited to join OASIS in the Round-up and be recognized for your support of emergency standards. The concept of the Round-up is unique. Each company chooses and organizes its own booth space on the exhibit floor. IAEM attendees are provided with a map of all booths participating in the Round-up. Round-up exhibitors give raffle tickets to attendees who view their demos. A raffle is held at the end of each day in the OASIS Round-up booth. In addition to your own lead generation, Round-up participants receive all the leads collected in the OASIS booth.   As a participant, companies will receive: * Face-time with IAEM decision-makers (more traffic in your booth) * Leads from all Round-up attendees (not just those who come to your booth) * Press exposure * Opportunity to network with government officials, potential partners, investors, etc.   The links below provide more information. Please contact me to reserve your space in the Round-up before the deadline of 1 2 Oct.   Regards, Jane   **Related links**   OASIS Round-up Showcase: https://www.oasis-open.org/events/edxl/2012/roundup   IAEM EMEX conference: http://www.emex.org/     Jane Harnad OASIS Manager of Events jane.harnad@oasis-open.org   Follow us on: LinkedIn:  http://linkd.in/OASISopen Twitter:  http://twitter.com/OASISopen Facebook:  http://facebook.com/oasis.open  

  • 4.  Invitation to participate in OASIS EDXL Round-up at IAEM event

    Posted 10-05-2012 18:58
    Dear OASIS Members,   OASIS will host another ‘Emergency Standards Round-up’ at the International Association of Emergency Managers (IAEM) annual conference in Orlando on 26 Oct-1 Nov. The Round-up offers enhanced visibility for companies with products that support any of the OASIS Emergency Data Exchange Language (EDXL) suite of standards, including the Common Alerting Protocol (CAP).   Your company is invited to join OASIS in the Round-up and be recognized for your support of emergency standards. The concept of the Round-up is unique. Each company chooses and organizes its own booth space on the exhibit floor. IAEM attendees are provided with a map of all booths participating in the Round-up. Round-up exhibitors give raffle tickets to attendees who view their demos. A raffle is held at the end of each day in the OASIS Round-up booth. In addition to your own lead generation, Round-up participants receive all the leads collected in the OASIS booth.   As a participant, companies will receive: * Face-time with IAEM decision-makers (more traffic in your booth) * Leads from all Round-up attendees (not just those who come to your booth) * Press exposure * Opportunity to network with government officials, potential partners, investors, etc.   The links below provide more information. Please contact me to reserve your space in the Round-up before the deadline of 1 2 Oct.   Regards, Jane   **Related links**   OASIS Round-up Showcase: https://www.oasis-open.org/events/edxl/2012/roundup   IAEM EMEX conference: http://www.emex.org/     Jane Harnad OASIS Manager of Events jane.harnad@oasis-open.org   Follow us on: LinkedIn:  http://linkd.in/OASISopen Twitter:  http://twitter.com/OASISopen Facebook:  http://facebook.com/oasis.open