Submitter's message This zip file contains the specification for the version of MQTT that has been used in the field for many years. This is submitted as the starting point / basis for creating the OASIS MQTT standard.
The source is HTML, one of the first steps will be to convert it into an OASIS approved format. -- Mr. David Locke Document Name : Conributed MQTT v3.1 Specification Description The MQTT version 3.1 spec contribution.
The zip file contains the specification for the version of MQTT that has been used in the field for many years. It is being contributed as the starting point / basis for creating the OASiS MQTT Standard.
It contains both a PDF as well as HTML source.
This version of the spec is also publically available under a royalty free licence here: Download Latest Revision Public Download Link Submitter : Mr. David Locke Group : OASIS Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) TC Folder : Documents Date submitted : 2013-04-02 09:16:08