I Roll Call & Administration
Hal Lockhart (Co-chair)
Bill Parducci (Co-chair, minutes)
Michiharu Kudo
Ron Williams
Abbie Barbir
Erik Rissanen
Bill Parducci
Anne Anderson
Seth Proctor
Rich Levinson
David Staggs
Quorum was achieved (69% per Kavi)
Vote on Minutes
No discussion, issues with posted minutes.
VOTE: Approve minutes from October 12, 2006 meeting
Approved unanimously.
II Oasis IPR
Hal reviewed the IPR changes in Oasis policy that affect TC output
and require adoption or TC dissolution by 15 April, 2007.
MOTION: Anne moved that the TC move to "RF on Limited" IP mode.
SECOND: Bill seconded the motion
MOVE TO AMEND: Abbie moved to amend to "RF on RAND" IPR mode.
SECOND: none
Ron raised the issue that this was not on the proposed agenda and
asked to defer vote until the next meeting. General consensus is
that vote be deferred.
III Issues
#47 WS-Policy Profile
Anne reviewed the feedback she received from attending the W3C
Workshop on Languages for Privacy Policy Negotiation and
Semantics-Driven Enforcement in Italy.
Anne will provide clarifications in response to the questions
raised earlier regarding the WS-Policy Profile. She also plans to
draft up how this Profile will work with P3P documents. Finally,
Anne intends to create a set of slides to provide an overview of
the Profile and how it would be applied. ETA is late November.
IV Administrivia
Hal reviewed the request by the Solution Deployment Descriptor (SDD)
Oasis TC for a liaison. Hall and Bill will follow up and report back
to the TC.
meeting adjourned.