OASIS Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) TC

Re: [office] Proposed change to Monday's agenda (IRI's versus URI's)

  • 1.  Re: [office] Proposed change to Monday's agenda (IRI's versus URI's)

    Posted 01-23-2006 14:16
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

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    Subject: Re: [office] Proposed change to Monday's agenda (IRI's versus URI's)

    So we're all on the same page, appended is the text of the latest details on the issue I've received.  


    Technical comments from the Japanese National Body:

    1) Use IRI (Internationalized Resource Identifiers: RFC 3987) instead of URI (Uniform Resource Identifiers: RFC 2396) to allow file names to be specified in languages worldwide including Japanese, Chinese, and Korean while URI allows only English (US-ASCII)

    2) Do not refer to W3C CSS3 text module and W3C DOM level 3 events; define necessary portions in ODF
    “W3C CSS3 text module” and “W3C DOM level 3 events” are incomplete and may require major amendments or even abolished

    Positions of Japan National Body:  

    1) The comment on IRI (No. 1 above) will be the condition to approve DIS 26300

    2) Other comments (including No. 2 above) will or will not be conditions to approve DIS 26300. This will be discussed in the next Japanese National Body meeting

    1) Both DIS 26300 and OASIS ODF v1.0 should be amended

    2) Negotiation with OASIS ODF members is required


    It will help if the TC can vote a motion to acknowledge the issues and recommend the technical resolution of them.  The following draft motion is one possible form for expressing this:

    "In response to feedback from the Japanese National Body, the OASIS OpenDocument for Office Applications Technical Committee agree to the following:

    1) resolution to IRI issue

    2) resolution to CSS3 issue

    3) resolution to DOM level 3 events issue

    These changes will be made to ISO/IEC DIS 26300, as well as OASIS OpenDocument for Office Applications 1.0 according to existing OASIS and ISO procedures."


    I'm hoping we can agree to wording along the lines of the above, and get that recorded into the meeting minutes.  Note that we don't need to have page and line-level text changes at this point.  That will obviously require more time and editing, review, etc.    But we need to be able to describe our technical approach in sufficient detail that it will be clear to the reader that our changes will in fact address the stated issues.



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