UBL Naming and Design Rules SC

Re: [ubl-ndrsc] Versioning Notes

  • 1.  Re: [ubl-ndrsc] Versioning Notes

    Posted 02-10-2003 22:27
     MHonArc v2.5.2 -->

    ubl-ndrsc message

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    Subject: Re: [ubl-ndrsc] Versioning Notes

    | Bill, note this: In Closing Plenary we discussed (Jon brought up)
    | that when making a Major change, that will affect backward
    | compatibility, that instead of making it in the next Major
    | release, you announce the change will be made in the next Major
    | release.  So this means you actually go through 2 Major releases,
    | the second being where the change actually takes place.
    I was describing the policy adopted by Davenport for DocBook (as
    well as I could remember it).  The policy was that if you are at
    version (N-1).M and you want to make a backwards-incompatible
    change then you don't get to make that change in N.0 but just get
    to announce in release N.0 that the feature will be changed in
    version (N+1).0.
    I wasn't urging this, just noting it as something to consider.
    Somewhere along the line we might want to ask the opinions of the
    co-maintainers of that specification back then:  Eve Maler and
    Eduardo Gutentag.

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