1. The TC apparently is not supposed to produce specifications,
"analysis, requirements" documents. Is there any reason for
operating in
RAND terms (unless some future rechartering is expected, that
produce actual specs)?
2. "Develop a requirement document for recommended Web Services
REST) extensions to address the Gaps ..."
It seems the requirement
doc will go as far as "recommending extensions"
which means actually hinting
at solutions, or at least defining the
directions of future solutions?
Could then the nature of these
"extensions" be better defined in the
E.g. are we talking of
(a) "profiling" or configuring existing SOA
stacks for specific TEL use, or
(b) developing specific WS on top of
them, or
(c) "extending" the functionality of these stacks with native functionality that goes beyond (a) and (b)?
In other words, I see this as part of
defining the scope of activities: what will be the technical
scope of the
solutions implied by the requirements down the
My concern is: the scope of activity and deliverables should
more explicitly allow for
solutions outlines / directions (if not full fledge specifications of these solutions), as I guess
at some point when
"requirements" meet concrete SOA environments (and
concrete specs like WSDL, BPEL),
the separation
between "requiremetns" from "solution outlines
/ options" is
3. Audience for this TC:
"The output of this work will
have direct benefits for the use of the
Web 2.0 and SOA in Telecom.
Should this be interpreted that only Telecom professionals are
or will benefit? Could there be a line on possible interest from
middleware providers, as this is about requirements for their
4. Scope of work: there is 1.a but not 1.b secion. Missing