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Subject: Re: [office] Style properties questions/requests
Hi Paul,
Paul Grosso wrote:
> At 17:33 2003 08 15 +0200, David Faure wrote:
>>On Friday 15 August 2003 15:30, Michael Brauer wrote:
>>>Hi David,
>>>David Faure wrote:
>>>>Text properties:
>>>>style:text-crossing-out (3.10.6) doesn't have support for stylelines (solid, dash, dot, dashdot, dashdotdot)
>>>>KOffice supports crossing out text with various style of lines.
>>>>style:text-underline (3.10.22) should separate the number of lines (single/double) from the style of the lines (dotted etc.).
>>>>This allows more combinations, like double-dotted, etc.
>>>>The presence of all the bold-* values also suggests that bold should be separated.
> If we are going to redesign this, we might want to look at XSL and
> CSS properties and try to match them where feasible.
> For example, see
> and
The CSS2 text-decoration is not usable with office suite style
inheritance, because it does not support switching underlining off
without switching crossing-out and blinking off simultaneously. This has
been fixed in XSL-FO, but XSL-FO does not support different styles for
underlining and crossing-out.
> There is also
> which is more involved (which may be good or bad, depending on how you
> look at it).
The CSS3 specification seems to be a good basis for us. Only a set of
line styles are missing.
> paul
Best regards
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