OASIS ebXML Messaging Services TC

RE: [ebxml-msg] Question about OPTIONAL

  • 1.  RE: [ebxml-msg] Question about OPTIONAL

    Posted 11-10-2001 18:08
    No, I am only saying that IMO an unrecognized AckRequested is not a reason to stop a message. This is the expected behavior if mustUnderstand= 0 . We should send back an Error/Warning/NotSupported if not understood. This is going to happen every time a v1.1 system sends an AckRequested to a v1.0 system. There is nothing wrong with the message itself. I see that Arvola went through the schema and added mustUnderstand to everything. Why? Did we vote on this? This is not how SOAP works. The mustUnderstand attribute is optional and default 0 . Why are we now requiring it? If we say some options are optional then let's leave them optional. Some elements, like MessageOrder have to be mustUnderstand= 1 but not everything. Why does everything have to go in the CPA? Please leave AckRequested out of the CPA. Putting it in the CPA make things more complicated. BTW, why are we adding MSHsignals to syncReplyMode? It doesn't need to be there. This again makes things more complicated. MessageHeader syncReply should be default true . In HTTP this means all MSHsignals come back sync. In SMTP we ignore the syncReply flag. The only time the syncReply flag would ever be used would be to downgrade from sync to async (not very often). Regards, David Fischer.