Time: 10:00 am EDT
Tel: 513-241-0892 Access Code: 65998
Proposed for 10 Sep 2009 XACML TC Meeting:
10:00 - 10:05 Roll Call
Voting Members
Erik Rissanen Axiomatics AB
Paul Tyson Bell Helicopter Textron Inc.
Bill Parducci* Individual
Rich Levinson Oracle Corporation
Hal Lockhart Oracle Corporation
Vernon Murdoch IBM
Anil Saldhana Red Hat
Seth Proctor Sun Microsystems
John Tolbert The Boeing Company
Duane DeCouteau Veterans Health Administration
David Staggs Veterans Health Administration
Gareth Richards EMC Corporation
Dilli Arumugam Sun Microsystems
Note: Gareth attains voting status as of the end of today's meeting.
Hal: revisit time of call?: has been ok - just mention in case
there is interest in chg: none raised.
10:05 - 10:06 Approve minutes:
27 August 2009 TC Meeting
Note: requested update to minutes:
Bill updated the minutes:
updated minutes approved
10:06 - 10:10 Administrivia
XACML TC web page updated w recent docs and implementation announcements
(XSPA, EC-US, ODF, IPC, OpenAz, XEngine, Test/Verify Policies)
Rich: described the new links on the tc web page above:
4 documents, 3 implmentations
Export Control Profile upload and Status
John: examples in, satisfied w text:
Hal: ready for committee draft
Hal: it takes a vote to make a draft a cd. If there is an update,
there needs to be another vote. Properly: doc should be labeled
as working draft. 2nd update is only the headers after the
vote occurs. No substantive or even editorial changes are allowed
after doc voted - only the headers
John: moves to make EC-US CD
Dave: seconds
Hal: hears no objection: now official CD
John: moves to make IPC CD
Rich: seconds
Hal: hears no objection: now official CD
John: ODF draft was not put in folder - link is to Open Document
for Office Applications OASIS TC repository:
John: moves to put IPC and EC-US to 60d Public Review
Rich: seconds
Hal: hears no objection: will start process w Mary for PR
XSPA Ballot for Submission as Oasis Standard Vote
Hal: ballot for XSPA carried
Duane: did commit CS, but not pdf
Hal: date on doc should be date of meeting where vote was taken
Duane: will make header updates
NCSU projects (North Carolina State University)
Hal: set of coverage tests for set of policies
ODF Document Controls Profile uploaded
Note: for this doc is in odf for office appl oasis tc
10:10 - 11:00 Issues
Hal: we have accumulated issues;
Erik,Hal: propose to knock off the "easy" ones today to get started:
Aggregated list: Comments on XACML v3 (Aggregated by Erik)
Erik: there is attached spreadsheet
Ref'ing numbers in col A (slightly confusing as 1 off from row #)
1. change: typo
2. change: fix
7. change: fix
8. change: fix
13. no change
14. no change
21. no change
22. no change
34: change: fix typo in namespace
35: change: fix typo in namespace
37->43: change: fix typo in namespace
44: change correct URI
Hal: open word file in open office for line number match
in spreadsheet vs doc (significantly off from pdf/word-doc)
Hal: there are major suggestions about breaking up hier profile
from the geo-xacml comments, docs
Erik: wants to "correct" current hierarchical profile, but no
major changes in rel 3.0;
Hal: Rich has comments on selectors vs designators.
Rich: believes "breakup" proposal based on false premise that
designators inherently less info content than selectors.
(Asserts that xml doc can be transformed to designator fmt
using xpath as URI (not pretty, but should work). In any
event, xml is not normative format, and JSON is alternative
non-xml name/value pair that effectively is way to preserve
same info: point being: selector is "convenient", however, it
does not inherently have more info content than equivalently
prepared AttributeId URI for designator. Point being: this is
not legitimate basis for proposing major doc structure chgs
in and of itself. This point and additional points need to
be reviewed as well.)
Hal: will consider proposal for how to handle all these issues
in following mtgs
Erik: considers us in feature freeze for current doc set
can migrate new features, structure chgs to another "page"
Hal: let's everyone look at comments, anything you care about, be ready
to address.
Remaining issues postponed to next meeting:
Meeting adjourned 11:02 PM ET
Comments on XACML v3 (new)
RDF exploration
Issues carried over from August 27 meeting:
Issues carried over from August 13 meeting:
Core Conformance
XACML Future Work
Issues from comment list:
Aggregated list: Comments on XACML v3 (Aggregated by Erik)
Comments on the XACML 3.0 commitee draft 1 (16 April 2009) during the public review period
Comments on the Hierarchical and Multiple Resource Profile of XACML 3.0
Issues carried over from July 16 meeting:
relax-ng grammar for xacml
XSPA Profile of XACML v2.0 for Healthcare / Action Item from 2-Jul-09
(has updated attached spreadsheet)
x.500 (new concerns on same issue from prev mtgs)
Comments on: Open Document Format Office Appl Controls Profile