UBL Naming and Design Rules SC

[ubl-ndrsc] Agenda for 20 February 2002 UBL NDR meeting

  • 1.  [ubl-ndrsc] Agenda for 20 February 2002 UBL NDR meeting

    Posted 02-15-2002 14:56
    I'm sending this agenda now because, for many people in the U.S., Monday is 
    a holiday.  I'm sorry I haven't been able to send out a fresh code list 
    position paper yet; will do soon...
    NDR SC portal: http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/ubl/ndrsc/
    We will meet by phone on Wednesday, 20 February 2002, at:
       8-10am PT   (GMT -8)
       11am-1pm ET (GMT -5)
       5-7pm Eur   (GMT +1)
    Please use the following dial-in information, which will remain the same 
    through at least March 27:
       Toll-free (from the U.S.)         +1 888 232 0361
       International access/caller-paid  +1 805 240 9673
       Participant code                  165-412
    1. Roll call (till x:05)
        See member list at http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/ubl/ndrsc/
    2. Acceptance of minutes of previous meetings (till x:06)
        13 February 2002 telecon:
    3. Adoption of agenda (please send suggestions *before* meeting) (till x:07)
    4. Planning for March 11 deadline (till x:15)
         - Feb 14-20:    Finish tag structure/data dictionary issues and code
                         lists (and top-level element naming?)
         - Feb 21-17:
         - Feb 14-20:
         - Feb 21-27:
         - Feb 28-Mar 6:
         - Mar 7-9:
         Remaining work (how to fit it into the weeks?):
         Elements vs. attributes
         Empty elements
         Sharing names when types are shared
         Final edits
    5. Action item review (till x:20)
        New ACTION: Arofan to join Mark in writing the tag structure material.
        It needs to be written in a "normative" way (i.e., as instructions
        ready to be put into the NDR document).  Due February 20.
        New ACTION: Eve to take over the writing of the code list material.
        ACTION: Bill and Mavis to champion the URI/URN issue and determine
        an approach.  Arofan suggested talking to Kelly Schwartzhoff about
        this problem.  In progress.
        ACTION: Arofan, Tim, Gunther, and Lisa to develop example and code
        with LC SC.  This example should grow to illustrate the modnamver
        proposal.  To be sent to both LC and NDR SCs.
        ACTION: Arofan to liaise with the CMSC on the issue of code list
        extensibility and subsetting.  In progress.
    6. Code lists (till y:10)
        Please look for a fresh position paper from me before the call.
    7. Tag structure (till y:50)
        Please look for fresh material on this from Mark and Arofan before
        the call.  Question: Can we work top-level tag naming into the list
        of remaining things to decide?
    8. Next steps (till y:59)
    9. Adjourn (z:00)
    Eve Maler                                    +1 781 442 3190
    Sun Microsystems XML Technology Center   eve.maler @ sun.com