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Subject: Quorum call: Hong Kong
ACTION: All UBL TC members must, at their earliest opportunity,
inform me ( and Mark Crawford
( whether or not they will be attending the Hong
Kong UBL TC meeting in person. Details follow.
Hello UBL TC,
In addition to our focus on UBL localization, relations with
vertical industry groups, and planning for UBL 1.1, our meeting
10-14 May in Hong Kong will also be the occasion for the post-1.0
TC structural reorganization that we've been forecasting since the
November meeting in San Francisco. From a procedural standpoint,
we will be able to operate much more effectively in working out an
appropriate subcommittee structure for the TC if we have a quorum
in Hong Kong. But achieving a quorum is going to be even more
difficult than usual because the time zone will make phone
attendance almost impossible for most people who are not able to
attend the meeting in person; the opening plenary at 9 a.m. local
time Monday will be starting at 21h00 Sunday in Washington and
02h00 Monday in London, while the closing plenary at 11 a.m. local
time Friday will be starting at 23h00 Thursday in Washington and
04h00 Friday in London. Since phone participation during the week
seems even more unlikely, I am considering whether we should be
putting our hosts to the trouble of setting up calls at all.
In any case, it's clear that we will need to know as soon as
possible who will be present in Hong Kong so that we can see
whether or not we will need to ask absent members to fall back to
observer status or take a leave of absence. We also need to know
projected attendance ASAP so that we can give our hosts a clear
picture of our facilities requirements. So I am requesting
immediate action from all members and observers of the UBL TC as
- If you are a voting member of the TC, you must contact Mark and
me ASAP to tell us whether you intend to be present in person
at the meeting in Hong Kong.
- If you are a voting member of the TC and will not be attending
in person but can seriously commit to attending by phone (note
the times above), let us know that.
- If you are any reader of this list (member, observer, or reader
of the mail archive) and you wish to attend the Hong Kong
meeting in person, please contact me to discuss this. We
always welcome observers, but I will need to let our hosts know
who's coming.
Best regards,
Jon Bosak
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