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Subject: Re: [office] Important question from Accessibility SC
Good question. I'd be inclined to either create a new attribute or use
svg:desc. I wouldn't like using draw:name or office:name. That seems
like a misuse of those tags.
How about two new tags: 'office:desc' and 'office:long-desc'? This idea
is inspired by:
Nathaniel S Borenstein wrote:
> The accessibility committee has a question that it wishes to pose to the
> full TC.
> There are several places where ODF currently lacks a way to specify an
> alternative textual description of a non-textual object. In such cases,
> we could either invent a new tag or reuse an existing tag in what seems
> (to us) to be a reasonable way. In particular, we're wondering whether
> or not we can simply use draw:name, svg:desc, and office:name for such a
> purpose. Would the TC recommend doing so, or would it be preferable for
> us to create a new tag such as svg:title? Obviously either approach
> will work, but we aren't sure which is better. All opinions are
> invited. -- Nathaniel
/\/_/ A life? Sounds great!
\/_/ Do you know where I could download one?
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