OASIS Emergency Management TC

  • 1.  Re: [Fwd: [emergency] Questions on ASN.1 and IPAWS Profile / CAP1.2]

    Posted 12-23-2009 22:48
    Hi Tony,
    No offense intended, but that's not a task I'm willing to take on in 
    addition to the commitments I already have.
    Tony Rutkowski wrote:
    > Hi Rex,
    >> USG seldom acts at this level except through specific agency 
    >> recommendations or Office of Management and Budget Circulars which 
    >> dictate policy, but historically haven't been vigorously enforced. 
    >> However, neither recommendations or policy are likely in this case. 
    >> DHS S&T might look at it, but NIEM is the body more interested in 
    >> namespacing issues. Their focus is less on specifying any particular 
    >> technology than including any and all technologies that may prove to 
    >> be useful, economical or both.
    > The integrity and trust of a common global alerting namespace
    > for parties, messages, and policies is about as important as it
    > gets in a messaging architecture.  The USG - indeed NCS which
    > is now part of DHS - 25 years ago was key in bringing the OID
    > platform and the attendant PKI platforms into existence for these
    > purposes.  Offshore and in international venues, everyone
    > understands this.
    > How do we motivate NIEM and DHS S&T?  I have some slides
    > that explain the development if that would help.
    > --tony
    Rex Brooks
    President, CEO
    Starbourne Communications Design
    GeoAddress: 1361-A Addison
    Berkeley, CA 94702
    Tel: 510-898-0670

  • 2.  RE: [Fwd: [emergency] Questions on ASN.1 and IPAWS Profile / CAP 1.2]

    Posted 12-23-2009 23:05
    I encourage you to read http://www.niem.gov/pdf/NIEM-NDR-1-3.pdf - I do
    believe NIEM has done a great job of addressing this already....
    Also - there are some great articles to help clarify this on
    http://grandpaham.com/category/niem/ particularly the following article:
    Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the
    public and have no self.  - Cyril Connolly