OASIS Universal Business Language (UBL) TC

Minutes of Atlantic UBL TC call 29 July 2020 14:00UTC - Voting Meeting

  • 1.  Minutes of Atlantic UBL TC call 29 July 2020 14:00UTC - Voting Meeting

    Posted 07-31-2020 05:20

    Minutes of Atlantic UBL TC call 29 July 2020 14:00UTC
    Atlantic: 09:00MSP/09:00Lima/10:00Ottawa/14:00UTC/16:00Europe
    Todd Albers
    Oriol Bausa Peris
    Kenneth Bengtsson (convener)
    Erlend Klakegg Bergheim
    Peter Borresen
    Andrea Caccia
    Ger Clancy
    Kees Duvekot
    Cecile Guasch
    Ken Holman
    Yves Jordan
    Ole Madsen
    Matt Vickers
    Pacific call:
    Todd Albers
    Kenneth Bengtsson (convener)
    Ken Holman
    Levine Naidoo
    Philip Helger
    Referencing the specification
    One of the following should be used as a specific citation:
    OASIS Universal Business Language (UBL) v2.2
    OASIS Universal Business Language (UBL) v2.1 (ISO/IEC 19845:2015)
    The following would be used for a general (any version) citation:
    OASIS UBL (ISO/IEC 19845)
    The canonical 2.2 documents are available in the OASIS repository:
    The canonical 2.1 documents are available in the OASIS repository:
    The ISO/IEC catalogue entry for UBL 2.1 is found at:
    The ISO/IEC document and attachments for UBL 2.1 are found at:
    Standing items
    Additions to events calendar - http://ubl.xml.org/events
    Review of Pacific call minutes
    Review of Atlantic call minutes
    Membership status review
    New member orientation information:
    Voting status is determined by the following:
    existing voting members must not miss two consecutive meetings to maintain voting status
    non-voting members must attend two consecutive meetings to obtain voting status
    members formally on leave by prior request must not attend and their voting status is not impacted
    Current UBL TC voting member list (alphabetical):
    Todd Albers

    Member of X9, X12 B2X, ISO 20022 Payment SEG, OASIS BDXR, and convenor of the Business Payments Coalition e-Invoice work groups
    Oriol Bausa Peris

    Member OASIS BDXR, Member OASIS ebXML, Editor TC434 Validation
    Kenneth Bengtsson

    Chair OASIS BDXR, Observer OASIS ebXML, DK Expert UN/CEFACT
    Erlend Klakegg Bergheim

    Member OASIS BDXR, Member OASIS ebXML Core & MS, Member CEN/TC434/WS8
    Peter Borresen

    DK Member CEN/TC440, Convenor CEN/TC440/WG7
    Andrea Caccia

    Chair CEN/TC 434, Member ETSI/ESI TC, IT Expert UN/CEFACT
    Ger Clancy
    Kees Duvekot

    Member OASIS BDXR, Member of the Standaardisatie platform e-factureren
    Cecile Guasch

    Member CEN/TC440, Convenor CEN/TC440/WG1, Convenor CEN/TC440/WG2, European Commission liaison (DIGIT Interoperability Unit)
    Philip Helger

    Member OASIS BDXR
    G. Ken Holman

    Member OASIS BDXR
    Yves Jordan
    Ole Madsen

    DK Member CEN/TC440
    Natalie Muric
    Levine Naidoo

    Member OASIS BDXR, Observer OASIS ebXML
    Matt Vickers

    Member OASIS BDXR, Member US Business Payments Coalition, Director US Data Coalition, Member ETAAC
    UBL 2.3
    ISO submission
    Editors and subcommittee chairs need to familiarize themselves with ISO/IEC Directives Part 2 in order to produce content that is compliant with ISO requirements:
    ISO requirements being discussed here: https://issues.oasis-open.org/browse/UBL-240
    UBL 2.3 CSPRD03
    Does the TC approve OASIS Business Document Naming and Design Rules (BDNDR) Version 1.1 and all associated artifacts packaged together in

    https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/document.php?document_id=67527&wg_abbrev=ubl as a Committee Specification Draft 02 and further approve releasing the approved Draft for a 15-day public review, subject to any editorial changes necessary for the publication?
    Kenneth made the motion, seconded by Todd. Approved by all members present at the Pacific and Atlantic calls.
    Does the TC approve UBL 2.1 JSON Alternative Representation Version 2.0 and all associated artifacts packaged together in

    https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/document.php?document_id=67528&wg_abbrev=ubl as a Committee Note Draft 01 and further approve releasing the approved Draft for a 15-day public review, subject to any editorial changes necessary for the publication?
    Kenneth made the motion, seconded by Todd. Approved by all members present at the Pacific and Atlantic calls.
    Does the TC approve UBL 2.2 JSON Alternative Representation Version 1.0 and all associated artifacts packaged together in

    https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/document.php?document_id=67530&wg_abbrev=ubl as a Committee Note Draft 01 and further approve releasing the approved Draft for a 15-day public review, subject to any editorial changes necessary for the publication?
    Kenneth made the motion, seconded by Todd. Approved by all members present at the Pacific and Atlantic calls.
    Does the TC approve UBL 2.3 JSON Alternative Representation Version 1.0 and all associated artifacts packaged together in

    https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/document.php?document_id=67532&wg_abbrev=ubl as a Committee Note Draft 01 and further approve releasing the approved Draft for a 15-day public review, subject to any editorial changes necessary for the publication?
    Kenneth made the motion, seconded by Todd. Approved by all members present at the Pacific and Atlantic calls.
    Does the TC approve UBL Governance Version 1.1 and all associated artifacts packaged together in

    https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/document.php?document_id=67533&wg_abbrev=ubl as a Committee Note Draft 01 and further approve releasing the approved Draft for a 15-day public review, subject to any editorial changes necessary for the publication?
    Kenneth made the motion, seconded by Todd. Approved by all members present at the Pacific and Atlantic calls.
    Does the TC approve UBL NDR Version 3.1 and all associated artifacts packaged together in

    https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/document.php?document_id=67534&wg_abbrev=ubl as a Committee Note Draft 01 and further approve releasing the approved Draft for a 15-day public review, subject to any editorial changes necessary for the publication?
    Kenneth made the motion, seconded by Todd. Approved by all members present at the Pacific and Atlantic calls.
    Changes made to UBL 2.3 from Public Review Draft 02 to Public Review Draft 03 are those listed in the summary report posted here:
    Does the TC approve Universal Business Language 2.3 and all associated artifacts packaged together in

    https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/document.php?document_id=67537&wg_abbrev=ubl as a Committee Specification Draft 03 and further approve releasing the approved Draft for a 15-day public review, subject to any editorial changes necessary for the publication?
    Kenneth made the motion, seconded by Levine. Approved by all members present at the Pacific and Atlantic calls.
    Members of ETSI and original editors of the eFreight specification may be interested in commenting on the public review. Andrea and Peter will send to Kenneth list of email addresses for individuals who should be included in the OASIS announcement.
    UBL Payments and Finance Subcommittee (PayFin)
    Levine and Oriol working on updated Payment Means committee note.
    UBL Post-award
    UBL Pre-award
    Peppol has kicked off a new pre-award subcommittee and intends to base their use on UBL 2.3. Cecile is following up.
    UBL Transportation Subcommittee (TSC)
    Can we add a section to the specification to explain consolidated waybills? TSC will submit a proposal.
    New tickets opened:
    Examples for new eFreight elements:
    Usage and definition of SignatureMethod in ShipStoreArticle:
    Usage of MeasureItemProperty in PortCallRecord:
    Usage of DisposalOfCaseDescription in PersonnelHealthIncident:
    UBL Naming and Design Rules Subcommittee (NDRSC)
    Formation of new Business Master Data Subcommittee
    First draft of a charter for a Business Master Data Subcommittee posted here:

    Any comments or suggestions for the subcommittee charter?
    Should we include a definition of master data in the statement of purpose?
    Candidate(s) for subcommittee chair(s)?
    Discussions to be resumed in September.
    TC Liaisons
    ISO TC 204/WG7
    Agreed at the September 11, 2019 TC conference call to seek a formal liaison with ISO TC 204/WG7 specifically for collaborating on the new ISO 24533 specification.
    We need to appoint a liaison, preferably someone who is a member of both groups. See also:
    CEN TC 434
    Agreed at the Copenhagen face-to-face meeting that the UBL TC is open to establish a formal liaison with CEN TC 434 to create a European or international standard for electronic invoicing, if there is an interest from the CEN TC.
    CEN informs that a liaison cannot be established at TC level. Awaiting feedback from OASIS.
    ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 32/WG 1
    Decision to appoint Andrea as liaison representative between ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 32 and the TC recorded here:
    Jamie responded that OASIS is supportive. Andrea will reply.
    JIRA tickets
    Available filters:
    Discuss: https://issues.oasis-open.org/issues/?filter=15172
    UBL 2.x: https://issues.oasis-open.org/issues/?filter=12972
    BDNDR: https://issues.oasis-open.org/issues/?filter=13472
    All UBL: https://issues.oasis-open.org/issues/?filter=11670
    TCAdmin: https://issues.oasis-open.org/issues/?filter=13070
    When creating tickets, remember to distinguish the following components by how they are described to be used as categories:
    If you leave the "Component/s" field empty, the ticket will not show up in the summary filter.
    Members please note to discuss ticket issues as comments to the ticket so that we can audit the discussion when making decisions about the ticket, without having to find the discussion on the main mail list.
    JIRA status and resolution value definitions
    Necessary to review the definitions of ticket status and resolution in JIRA to align with the values that currently can be assigned.
    Our current definitions are:
    NEW: the issue has been created but not yet agreed to be in consideration or not for the development distribution

    in order for the issue to become active work for the committee the new ticket must be changed to OPEN or it will not be seen in the "to do" filter

    the other option on a new ticket is to change it to DEFERRED

    please remember to look at the open filter to ensure visibility:
    OPEN: the issue is in consideration for the development distribution

    keep the issue OPEN when assigning to Ken for incorporation

    please remember to add a comment regarding expectations whenever you assign an OPEN ticket to another person for any action
    RESOLVED + Incomplete: the issue has been decided but not yet in test
    RESOLVED + Applied: the issue is incorporated in test but not released
    RESOLVED + Fixed: the issue is incorporated in a working draft version
    RESOLVED + Later: the issue is still up for discussion for a future minor revision but not the current development
    RESOLVED + No Action: considered as no action for any distribution
    RESOLVED + Cannot Reproduce: considered as no action for distribution
    APPLIED + Fixed: the issue is included in a public review (record the availability of the disposition once review opened)
    DEFERRED: the issue is not in consideration for any minor revision

    please remember to use this when creating new tickets for backwards-incompatible changes
    See also the discussion on the status workflows here:
    Subcommittee conference calls
    Transportation Subcommittee will be on hold until after August.
    Pre-award Subcommittee will be on hold until further notice, unless there is a request for a meeting.
    Other subcommittees will be meeting on an as-required basis
    Agreed to cancel face-to-face meeting in September, as traveling in is challenging for many TC members. Agreed to plan another online work sessions around UBL 2.3 public reviews, next time after end of PRD03.
    TC conference call schedule
    Call schedule
    Pacific: 16:00MSP/16:00Lima/17:00Ottawa/21:00UTC/07:00Sydney
    Atlantic: 09:00MSP/09:00Lima/10:00Ottawa/14:00UTC/16:00Europe
    Pacific: 16:00MSP/16:00Lima/17:00Ottawa/21:00UTC/07:00Sydney
    Atlantic: 09:00MSP/09:00Lima/10:00Ottawa/14:00UTC/16:00Europe
    Pacific: 16:00MSP/16:00Lima/17:00Ottawa/21:00UTC/07:00Sydney
    Atlantic: 09:00MSP/09:00Lima/10:00Ottawa/14:00UTC/16:00Europe
    Pacific: 16:00MSP/16:00Lima/17:00Ottawa/21:00UTC/07:00Sydney
    Atlantic: 09:00MSP/09:00Lima/10:00Ottawa/14:00UTC/16:00Europe
    Agreed to keep the current Pacific timeslot for a weekly Pacific call.
    Outline of teleconference times for 2020
    See: https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/ubl/201912/msg00006.html
    TC calendar
    iCal subscription link: http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup_feeds/ical/my_vcalendar.ics?token=fa658a7994a6cefb10c10be09e139af3&workgroup_id=50
    Will anyone be requesting a leave of absence in the near future? For privacy reasons, this discussion will be kept off of the minutes.
    Other business