DocBook Technical Committee Meeting Minutes 18 Feb 2004

  • 1.  DocBook Technical Committee Meeting Minutes 18 Feb 2004

    Posted 02-19-2004 00:05
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    Subject: DocBook Technical Committee Meeting Minutes 18 Feb 2004

    DocBook Technical Committee Meeting Minutes: 18 February 2004
    The DocBook Technical Committee met Wednesday, 18 Feb 2004 at
    05:00p EST (02:00p PST, 22:00GMT, 22:00BST, 23:00CEST, 07:00JST+,
    03:30a India+) for 90 minutes.
    1. Roll call
    Paul Grosso, Mark Johnson, Dick Hamilton, Larry Rowland,
    Michael Smith, Robert Stayton, Steve Cogorno, Scott Hudson,
    Norman Walsh.
    2. Accepting the minutes[1] of the previous meeting
    3. Next meeting: 17 March 2004.
    No regrets.
    4. Review of the agenda.
    Added items 6b, 6c, and 6d.
    5. Review of open action items
        a. Mark to follow-up on RFE 562343: <packagename> element
        b. Norm to write better documentation for option/optional
        c. Mike to provide a better proposal for choicelist markup.
        d. Mike to reconsider the annotation problem and post his thoughts.
        e. Dick to propose more general solution for caption in mediaobject.
        f. Steve to propose generalizing programlisting to the list.
           COMPLETED. Add to next month's agenda.
        g. Norm to draft a letter to OASIS about Kavi.
        h. Norm to add <anchor> to simplified DocBook.
    6. Norm's letter about Kavi. [2]
    Norm distributed a draft letter about the Kavi
    setup used on the OASIS website.  We discussed
    several comments that were received and made
    some changes to the draft.  By a unanimous
    roll call vote, the committee decided to send the letter
    with the changes to the OASIS chairs mailing list and
    Karl Best (VP of OASIS), with cc to Patrick Gannon (CEO
    of OASIS) and the docbook-tc mailing list.
    ACTION: Norm to send the letter.
    Note: Karl Best recently posted a request for
    comments on a draft functional requirements
    for a document management system for OASIS
    committees. [10]
    6b.  Proposal for a new packagename element
    Mark summarized the original proposal RFE 562343 [11]
    and email discussion.  Discussion centered around
    a possible need to distinguish between object-oriented
    packages and software distribution packages.
    One suggestion was packagename for the oo usage
    and package for software distribution.
    Norm expressed concern that both would need to
    be inlines, and that two such similar names would
    be confusing.
    Larry suggested semantics as a bundle of functionality
    that is accessed through a name, which could cover
    both uses.  Bob suggested using package
    instead of packagename.
    Proposal:  add a new package element to
    %tech.char.class; as an inline, and as an optional
    child of ooclass, ooexception, and oointerface.
    Its content model would be %small.cptr.char.mix;,
    and it would have the common attributes.
    6c.  Proposal to add caption to mediaobjectco.
    Dick summarized the original proposal RFE 541444 [12]
    to add caption to mediaobjectco since it was available
    in mediaobject.  Dick questioned the need for
    having a separate mediaobjectco element.  Norm thought
    it was a progression from graphic and graphicco.
    The committee determined that it was not needed
    if imageobjectco were added to mediaobject.  Then
    one could use caption with imageobjectco.
    Proposal:  add imageobjectco to mediaobject.
    Proposal:  remove mediaobjectco in some future release.
    ACTION: Dick to examine the use of alt, possibly as
    part of the annotation discussion.
    6d.  Add remap to Simplified DocBook.
    Proposal:  add a remap attribute to the set
    of common attributes in Simplified DocBook.
    ACTION MODIFICATION: Norm to add remap as well as
    anchor to Simplified DocBook.
    7. biblioref proposal [3]
       (formerly Improved citation support, RFE 810932).
       Additional replies for consideration [4] [5]
    No time for this item, will place it early in the
    agenda next month.
    8. DocBook V4.3 CR3
    No negative feedback for a month.
    Bob was uncertain if HTML tables had been
    sufficiently tested.  Postponed making
    it a committee standard until next meeting.
    ACTION:  Bob to test HTML tables in 4.3.
    9. DocBook V5.0 (RELAX NG)
    Norm reported progress.  He also said that the
    DTD for version 5 derived from the Relax NG
    Schema would probably not use parameter entities,
    which means it would not be as easily customized.
    Meeting adjourned.
    10. Reconsider the policy for backwards incompatible changes.
    11.  Revisit addition of 'language' attribute
    to programlisting and synopsis (use MIME?).
    See [6] for the original RFE 798616.
    See [7] for the minutes of the decision.
    See [8] and [9] for further discussion about it.
    12. Review of Requests for Enhancement
        To browse a specific RFE, enter the URL (on one line):
          543064 JavaObject tag
          675024 form, script, applet support
          698026 cannot embed <superscript> within <guibutton>
          702185 add procedure as child of para
          711815 Tagging for subtler breaks or "pauses" within a chapter
          742373 Splitting Segmented List
          752632 Color control of CALS table element
          798616 syntax="" or notation="" needed for code listings
          828720 'spacing' attr. for 'variablelist'
          882791 Allow 'procedure' within 'para'
         The following RFEs are awaiting action items
          413389 Enhance METHODNAME and VARNAME (Norm, generic linking)
          431411 RFE 70: add generic linking capability (Norm)
          522552 Add title attribute to <ulink> element (Mike, annotations)
          541444 caption in mediaobjectco (Dick)
          562343 <packagename> element (Mark)
          565637 Associate non-inline image with link (Norm, generic linking)
          574880 Add annotation element (Mike)
          613293 Generalize programlisting (Steve)
          623524 (Re)Consider "choicelist" markup (Mike)
         The following RFEs are identified as V6.0 or later
          531851 Remove inline person name elements
          532088 Remove RevHistory from qandaentry
    - ---
    [1] http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/docbook-tc/200401/msg00010.html
    [2] http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/docbook-tc/200402/msg00000.html
    [3] http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/docbook-tc/200311/msg00014.html
    [4] http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/docbook-tc/200401/msg00007.html
    [5] http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/docbook-tc/200401/msg00008.html
    [7] http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/docbook/200309/msg00037.html
    [8] http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/docbook/200401/msg00011.html
    [9] http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/docbook/200401/msg00019.html
    [10] http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/chairs/200402/msg00007.html
    Bob Stayton
    Sagehill Enterprises
    DocBook Consulting

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