UBL Naming and Design Rules SC

Re: [ubl-ndrsc] Elements vs. attributes: discussion kickoff

  • 1.  Re: [ubl-ndrsc] Elements vs. attributes: discussion kickoff

    Posted 01-31-2002 12:12
    "CRAWFORD, Mark" wrote <snipped>:
    > >I wonder, though, if the draft proposal in this paper favors
    > attributes too
    > >heavily.  With the advent of XSD, there is little you can do in
    > attributes
    > >that you can't do in elements -- even default values can be assigned
    > to
    > >elements that have a simple type.  And even the code list case (which
    > seems
    > >like an obvious candidate for attributes because it often uses a
    > closed set
    > >of values) isn't crystal clear, because we know we need to add all
    > kinds of
    > >metadata and mechanisms to code lists to make them work.
    > My position on this is use attributes only for document level
    > information. This means that for the most part only built-in document
    > level attributes such as xml:lang, id and idref should be used and
    > elements should be used for all other transmitted data.  My
    > understanding is there are parsing, ordering, and performance issues
    > surrounded with attributes.  I also believe that by enforcing
    > attributes at the document level, we will provide clarity, avoid
    > confusion, and enable better structuring.
    FYI - The X12 work has a consensus that matches Mark's position, though
    we do have one strong dissenter.
    > >Finally, I wonder if this paper can be expanded to explore the
    > question of
    > >empty elements too.  This topic came up in the F2F last week (are
    > empty
    > >elements "leaf nodes"? should they be used only as "attribute
    > hangers" or
    > >also as presence/absence boolean indicators? how should we name them?
    > >should we allow them at all?).
    > Most strongly disagree with the concept of using empty elements as
    > "attribute hangers" and "Boolean indicators".
    Me too.
    Michael C. Rawlins, Rawlins EC Consulting