OASIS Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) TC

  • 1.  Content model and attributes for

    Posted 10-07-2019 15:59
    I don't think this has come up in discussions. Here's a starting point; what do people think? <!ENTITY % mapresources.content "( (%topicmeta;)?, (%data.elements.incl; %topicref;)* )" > <!ENTITY % mapresources.attributes "href CDATA #IMPLIED keyref CDATA #IMPLIED keys CDATA #IMPLIED keyscope CDATA #IMPLIED processing-role (normal resource-only -dita-use-conref-target) 'resource-only' type CDATA #IMPLIED cascade CDATA #IMPLIED scope (external local peer -dita-use-conref-target) #IMPLIED format CDATA #IMPLIED linking (none normal sourceonly targetonly -dita-use-conref-target) 'none' toc (no yes -dita-use-conref-target) 'no' search (no yes -dita-use-conref-target) 'no' chunk CDATA #IMPLIED %univ-atts;" > <!ELEMENT mapresources %mapresources.content;> <!ATTLIST mapresources %mapresources.attributes;> -- Best, Kris Kristen James Eberlein Chair, OASIS DITA Technical Committee Principal consultant, Eberlein Consulting www.eberleinconsulting.com +1 919 622-1501; kriseberlein (skype)

  • 2.  Re: [dita] Content model and attributes for

    Posted 10-07-2019 16:19
    I would not set a default for @toc or @search since a processing role of resource-only should be sufficient to exclude the resources from either a toc or search based only on the resource-only reference. At the same time, there might be confusion on what the implications are for a normal-role reference to a resource-only topicref that explicitly sets @toc or @search to "no", so better to avoid the issue. Cheers, E. -- Eliot Kimber http://contrext.com ïOn 10/7/19, 10:59 AM, "Kristen James Eberlein" <dita@lists.oasis-open.org on behalf of kris@eberleinconsulting.com> wrote: I don't think this has come up in discussions. Here's a starting point; what do people think? <!ENTITY % mapresources.content "( (%topicmeta;)?, (%data.elements.incl; %topicref;)* )" > <!ENTITY % mapresources.attributes "href CDATA #IMPLIED keyref CDATA #IMPLIED keys CDATA #IMPLIED keyscope CDATA #IMPLIED processing-role (normal resource-only -dita-use-conref-target) 'resource-only' type CDATA #IMPLIED cascade CDATA #IMPLIED scope (external local peer -dita-use-conref-target) #IMPLIED format CDATA #IMPLIED linking (none normal sourceonly targetonly -dita-use-conref-target) 'none' toc (no yes -dita-use-conref-target) 'no' search (no yes -dita-use-conref-target) 'no' chunk CDATA #IMPLIED %univ-atts;" > <!ELEMENT mapresources %mapresources.content;> <!ATTLIST mapresources %mapresources.attributes;> -- Best, Kris Kristen James Eberlein Chair, OASIS DITA Technical Committee Principal consultant, Eberlein Consulting www.eberleinconsulting.com +1 919 622-1501; kriseberlein (skype) --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe from this mail list, you must leave the OASIS TC that generates this mail. Follow this link to all your TCs in OASIS at: https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/portal/my_workgroups.php

  • 3.  FW: [dita] Content model and attributes for

    Posted 10-07-2019 16:39
    We likely don't need @chunk either. Ãric Sirois DITA Toolsmith IXIASOFT 45 Chemin Bates, Suite 220 Montreal, QC H2V 1A6 tel + 1 514 279-4942 / toll free + 1 877 279-4942 mobile + 1 647 462-3620 eric.sirois@ixiasoft.com / www.ixiasoft.com

  • 4.  Re: [dita] Content model and attributes for

    Posted 10-07-2019 16:56
    What about @linking? Best, Kris Kristen James Eberlein Chair, OASIS DITA Technical Committee Principal consultant, Eberlein Consulting www.eberleinconsulting.com +1 919 622-1501; kriseberlein (skype) On 10/7/2019 12:18 PM, Eliot Kimber wrote: I would not set a default for @toc or @search since a processing role of resource-only should be sufficient to exclude the resources from either a toc or search based only on the resource-only reference. At the same time, there might be confusion on what the implications are for a normal-role reference to a resource-only topicref that explicitly sets @toc or @search to "no", so better to avoid the issue. Cheers, E. -- Eliot Kimber http://contrext.com ïOn 10/7/19, 10:59 AM, "Kristen James Eberlein" <dita@lists.oasis-open.org on behalf of kris@eberleinconsulting.com> wrote: I don't think this has come up in discussions. Here's a starting point; what do people think? <!ENTITY % mapresources.content "( (%topicmeta;)?, (%data.elements.incl; %topicref;)* )" > <!ENTITY % mapresources.attributes "href CDATA #IMPLIED keyref CDATA #IMPLIED keys CDATA #IMPLIED keyscope CDATA #IMPLIED processing-role (normal resource-only -dita-use-conref-target) 'resource-only' type CDATA #IMPLIED cascade CDATA #IMPLIED scope (external local peer -dita-use-conref-target) #IMPLIED format CDATA #IMPLIED linking (none normal sourceonly targetonly -dita-use-conref-target) 'none' toc (no yes -dita-use-conref-target) 'no' search (no yes -dita-use-conref-target) 'no' chunk CDATA #IMPLIED %univ-atts;" > <!ELEMENT mapresources %mapresources.content;> <!ATTLIST mapresources %mapresources.attributes;> -- Best, Kris Kristen James Eberlein Chair, OASIS DITA Technical Committee Principal consultant, Eberlein Consulting www.eberleinconsulting.com +1 919 622-1501; kriseberlein (skype) --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe from this mail list, you must leave the OASIS TC that generates this mail. Follow this link to all your TCs in OASIS at: https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/portal/my_workgroups.php --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe from this mail list, you must leave the OASIS TC that generates this mail. Follow this link to all your TCs in OASIS at: https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/portal/my_workgroups.php

  • 5.  Re: [dita] Content model and attributes for

    Posted 10-08-2019 15:37
    I missed @linking--should also not have a default -- Eliot Kimber http://contrext.com ïOn 10/7/19, 11:55 AM, "Kristen James Eberlein" <dita@lists.oasis-open.org on behalf of kris@eberleinconsulting.com> wrote: What about @linking? Best, Kris Kristen James Eberlein Chair, OASIS DITA Technical Committee Principal consultant, Eberlein Consulting www.eberleinconsulting.com +1 919 622-1501; kriseberlein (skype) On 10/7/2019 12:18 PM, Eliot Kimber wrote: > I would not set a default for @toc or @search since a processing role of resource-only should be sufficient to exclude the resources from either a toc or search based only on the resource-only reference. > > At the same time, there might be confusion on what the implications are for a normal-role reference to a resource-only topicref that explicitly sets @toc or @search to "no", so better to avoid the issue. > > Cheers, > > E. > > -- > Eliot Kimber > http://contrext.com > > > ïOn 10/7/19, 10:59 AM, "Kristen James Eberlein" <dita@lists.oasis-open.org on behalf of kris@eberleinconsulting.com> wrote: > > I don't think this has come up in discussions. Here's a starting point; > what do people think? > > > <!ENTITY % mapresources.content > "( > (%topicmeta;)?, > (%data.elements.incl; %topicref;)* > )" > > > <!ENTITY % mapresources.attributes > "href > CDATA > #IMPLIED > keyref > CDATA > #IMPLIED > keys > CDATA > #IMPLIED > keyscope > CDATA > #IMPLIED > processing-role > (normal > resource-only > -dita-use-conref-target) > 'resource-only' > type > CDATA > #IMPLIED > cascade > CDATA > #IMPLIED > scope > (external > local > peer > -dita-use-conref-target) > #IMPLIED > format > CDATA > #IMPLIED > linking > (none > normal > sourceonly > targetonly > -dita-use-conref-target) > 'none' > toc > (no > yes > -dita-use-conref-target) > 'no' > search > (no > yes > -dita-use-conref-target) > 'no' > chunk > CDATA > #IMPLIED > %univ-atts;" > > > <!ELEMENT mapresources %mapresources.content;> > <!ATTLIST mapresources %mapresources.attributes;> > > -- > Best, > Kris > > Kristen James Eberlein > Chair, OASIS DITA Technical Committee > Principal consultant, Eberlein Consulting > www.eberleinconsulting.com > +1 919 622-1501; kriseberlein (skype) > > > --------------------------------------------------------------------- > To unsubscribe from this mail list, you must leave the OASIS TC that > generates this mail. Follow this link to all your TCs in OASIS at: > https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/portal/my_workgroups.php > > > > > > > --------------------------------------------------------------------- > To unsubscribe from this mail list, you must leave the OASIS TC that > generates this mail. Follow this link to all your TCs in OASIS at: > https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/portal/my_workgroups.php > > > > --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe from this mail list, you must leave the OASIS TC that generates this mail. Follow this link to all your TCs in OASIS at: https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/portal/my_workgroups.php